wimpie avi

Ingame name : WiMPie

Looking for skilled team to play with, doesn't matter what skill.
-Good medic ( good reviving skill)
-Can handle Fops/engy

Avi for 6v6 and 3v3

PS i don't play with Noobs..

PM me on crossfire
gl m8!

good luck
Quote by lolLooking for skilled team to play with, doesn't matter what skill.

GL tho
QuoteLooking for skilled team to play with, doesn't matter what skill.

join dignitas
gl m8 nice player got nice aim take him
i like your name, gl
succes lieverd
gl boy :)
gl wimpie mate

lets play 2o2 again when im back :p cos joopie is nub :D
gl wimpie <3
goodluck le wimpy deserve gut team
wimpie from kern*! ?
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