espion avi


Looking for med to the best skill clan who is playing oc (or not) but must be stable.

Age : 21

Classes : Medic, can be 2nd fo.

You must (yes must !) be 6v6 clan.

I can speak, English, french.

Contact me /q ESPION

My friend Medine is also cless so if you got 2 slots in your team, it's would be gr8
If you have any questions just ask :)

Have a nice day/night.

(engrish suxx maybe)
The name of your topic was annoying
Your comment was annoying
Your reply was annoying
Your reply to my reply was annoying
Bref, he was annoying
Your comment was fvckin annoying !
most brained player I have played with !
GL !
viel gluck !
Bonne chance espigeon!
not med, but gl
Not med, rly ...
yes really, you are nowhere near as good as Germany nicon and hes claiming to be low+ at the moment. i was mostly outaiming you on a pub the other day, and i havent played actively for a year, and when i was active i was med-/med max. Just get some perspective mate, too many people overrate themselves on this site, be honest
Oh then if you killed me on public ... must be low yes, have a nice day mr.
Btw iam playing every days 3v3 med/+ and i have no prob to be the best (dmg/skill)
so ... But yes public skill = real skill :<
Ah and if it was on NBS; i got banned yesterday ... -too many hs per kill(must be more than low !!!)
yes, public isnt an ideal situation to evaluate your skills, but when it is a clear 1on1 situation and i, and inactive ~low+ player, am outaiming you most of the time then it seems pretty certain to me that you are not medskill.

3on3's everyone overrates themselves, its irrelevant, the game mode is filled with aggressive, egotistical players - or in short, players not suited to 6on6 as a format. even if you rate yourself med+ in 3on3, you may be only be med- in 6on6, because you dont develop any sort of team skills/brain, just aim.

well done, you got banned from a pub, its happened to every player.
Dude; i play better on 6v6 than 3v3 team ... but i can easly aim vs a med+ team (3v3)
When im playing public its for warmup (and i know aim isnot rly my best talent)

But i have exp, i played NC 6v6 2008 and i know i still can handle skilled wars.

If you still think im low because you killed me on public then ok.
gl to you, and have a lovely time 'pwning' NC then.
Hmm thanks ...
he just got banned on NbS etpro #1 for having killed 3 guys with 7hs in a row.

01:50  Karl(NbS admin)&#149; if you get a certain ammount of accuracy and headshots with more than 3 kills it auto bans

Does that mean he is abled to play EC ? I hate all those wnb who are flamming about skill because they're too frightened to look openly for a med team (not only you).
Keep being inactive on xfire too dude or try to be constructive when you flam a topic, whoever you pwn on a pub can easily roll you in a war. Nowadays, too many inactive people are trollin topics with bullshit cuz they've nothing else to do.
We're playing med+ every day and he hasn't any problem to aim, however if you guy is still thinking that public determines the skill then gtfo
woah, who says i am being unconstructive? i am just saying be realistic, having played against him, he isnt med. im not flaming anyone, im not an idiot, im just saying that he isnt med 'to the best skill' and needs to be more honest with himself.

and a moment of skill on a pub doesnt mean anything, everyone has those moments, even France Francis (:D)

im saying that 3on3 doesnt determine 6on6 skill, since 3on3 is a completely different game, where an insanely aggressive attitude is the best, and that ~isnt really compatible with 6on6, because you dont learn any aspects of teamplay.
Because public skill is compatible with 6on6 ? (only know me on public).
mate, im not being funny, but im not fucking repeating myself again. is that what i said? read it again, and again (and maybe then again for you) and then come back with a logical response.
mate, i don't know you, and you don't know me, and you still start flaming me, don't be so sad if i don't try to use logical reponse.

Uh i killed you on public, im low +, so you must be low on 6v6 !! fucking logical.
I think he plays better 6on6 than 3on3. He has the aim to compete med+ but it's not his strenght. As I said before his gamesense and brain worth of his aim. Anyway check his past and yours and leave the topic cleaner =)
GL niggrosse ! cool guy but fashionito :x

he is ready to carrie everyone !
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