screen isn't smooth enough

(i know english sux, like always tbh)

After install Win7 64bit my ingame screen (only ET ofc) one time is smooth and one time (even longer) isnt. Smth like low fps but I have stable 125. I heard some ppl also has that problem. Same on new os installation, so format isnt solution.


Same problem with my old CRT.

i3 + gtx460

image: Arielle-Kebbel-itching%20photo
Whats the monitor response time? If it's above 5ms, no wonder it's not smooth enough.
playing ET with a 8ms, no problems with "not being smooth"
Playing with a 2ms, noticed some ghosting in ice at 1st though, I got used to it later.
Seen no ghosting so far =|
4ms - LG 32LD465

same things happen on my old but good crt, so its not monitor problem.
Gfx settings then, change the quality higher?
Default and pr0 cfg ingame, default and high settings in nvidia control panel - same shit ;D. I give up.
This shit is strange.
got the same feeling on crt @ 72hz 800x600
objects just dissapear for a milisec, the shittiest of them all is when u cant see ur enemy clear when hes shooting you

but i just deal with it..
do u have switchable graphics? (between i3 integrated and ur dedicated card)
How to check it? :D
integrated card is on only when there is no dedicated in pci-e slot.
oh okay, ive just had troubles with that before, having my integrated card turned on (ive got a laptop, so its better to switch to integrated while on battery [got ati card, not sure if can do it on nvidia tho]) while playing ET means shitty performance :/. Maybe check your cable-ing/pins/power cords/gfx card fan dust? Is it only ET or some other games aswell?
In ET its very noticable :) I cant be so sure about other games but I dont think so.
put lower resolution so u can put 75hz ( 1280*1024 )
on my new lcd? :P
just dont play with 60hz with ur new or old monitor, its shit, try to play with the highest Hz you can on your monitor ( 22" samsung lcd here, 75hz max with 1280*1024 & with 1680*1050 i can set max Hz to 60 )
i use even 100hz with my old crt and was same shit :)
maybe settings from nvidia control pannel, about vertical smth, disable it
everything default. thats why I am pissed :/
maybe bad driver from ur computer, cant help much except to tell u try older driver / update every driver
yea, tried many drivers ;D. I have no fucking idea what can be wrong. Hardware or software. Smth raping me in zeh ass and I cant do a shit because I dont know what to do -.-.
I play 60hz tried once 85 game was too smooth for my eyes -.-
then lower to 75 nerd xD
sorry that im nerd but 60 is fine.
then ur not a nerd,

u just blind :D
well ure playing @ 60hz, dont expect it to be smooth. Go back to your native resolution and hz. The more hz you set, more smooth(fast) it will be.
settings from topic are my native. Its lcd :)
network ;)
propably warping if everything other is ok ;P
i got same problem sometimes even on i5 and gtx 570.
No to mam w dupie to bo z neostrada nie wygram ;p Chociaz lagowanie zazwyczaj wyglada u mnie nieco inaczej gdy cos pobierane jest w tle ;d
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