frzn avi

still not found a team (guess nobody likes me T_T), so another try

about me:
  • skill around med-
  • speaking Germany and England
  • 22 years old and somewhat mature
  • medic, 2nd eng or rifle (need some time to play on a decent level with rifle again)

about you:
  • skill low+/med-/med
  • active
  • prefer Germany but could also be Europe
  • don't care if its a new team

cantact here (thread / pm) or an icq 206670174

iiky, scorpion, wodka, arclite, ghana, onespot, bunny, mithras, roar, corny, gro3ne, hoshy, angst, puma, theo, raiz, genshi, alpi and all i've forgot

image: beautiful-redheads-gallery-3
those titts <3
did u played in epsylon? if yes then which squad?
gl , boy :P
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