Assuming the format will consist of 8 direct invites and 16 teams battling it out in the qualifiers to determine the other 8 spots.

Sources used:
- et-cup #24
- impact masters tournament
- cpc2 lineups
- performances on ettv
- last eurocup and opencup premier results
- clanbase 6v6 ladder EU (just kidding:D)

Direct invites (in order):

1) Dignitas (no question)
2) zeropoint (no question)
3) impact (no question)
4) TLR (no question, especially now with mAus)
5) 4I aka 141 (no question, especially now with razz)
6) polar eSports (no question)
7) helix (not signed up yet however)
8) hmm tough one, it would have to be one of the finnish or polish teams, i will go with negative image

Didn't know helix died :( helix out, netrunners in!

Qualifier teams (no specific order):

Poland Fear Factory (no question, had some internal problems in the last eurocup)
Poland Netrunners (not signed up yet however, did well in the last eurocup)
Finland Incomplete (despite the lineup change, winning et-cup)
Belgium cZar (despite losing all their matches in the masters)
Belgium onesoldier (experienced lineup, not signed up yet however)
Netherlands mQ (surprising everyone by beating cZar 4-2 in the masters)
Sweden uC (new swedish team, runner up of et-cup losing 4-2 to incomplete in the final)
United Kingdom sublime (another all nation team but this time uk, must be considered just by looking at the names, lost in et-cup to an unknown team but assured it was a mix)
Estonia suXus (finishing 3rd in last years OC Premier, established team)
Europe elite (gets automatic qualifier after winning OC Premier i think, despite winning no rounds in the masters)
Europe AuXilia (picking up an impressive win in the masters vs vib, and also winning a round against polar and img)
Europe vib (unlucky with the results in the masters, surprisingly defeated in et-cup)
Europe pingwins (beating elite in masters, formerly known as uQ)
Europe Grave Guardians (maybe, new team :\)
Europe (maybe)
Italy ec4 (maybe)

retro and A+R out, GG and ec4 in!

Yes, i have no life.
didn't eurocup just finish like nearly a month ago
4) TLR (no question, especially now with mAus)
Yeah, they were shit without mAus :DD
You should have written "sarcasm" bigger, i think nobody saw it nor undersood it was.
Je kan zeggen wat je wilt, maar toen m1lk ipv CrozZ kwam waren ze stukkkkkeeeen beter :)
To much freetime jeez.
beaver and A+R died:/?
A+r yes, beaver is back!
helix is just a reformed mix? why would they get invite with 0 results? and yeah, netrunners suck, they dont deserve an invite..
what team would u put in invites instead of impact then? there is none.
then more qualifiers then invites!
or direct invite for -=[VP]=-
that's an option, but if we just go by this pattern. top6 invites on the list are ok, I'd put netrunners as 7th team to get invited. dont really know what could be the 8th team to get the invite, probably -img or FF
ye you've got a point there
its already in.

dignitas, impact, tlr, zp, 4i, netr, img, polar
7) helix is dead imo
elite have day -> too sucky for ec :x

<3 elite
A+R dead , Hx dead
"sublime (another all nation team but this time uk, must be considered just by looking at the names, lost in et-cup to an unknown team but assured it was a mix)"

rofl adapted are not a mix. they had 1 merc. doesnt realy qualify as a mix now does it.
I think you kinda missinterpreted it
can u link stats to the adapted match now thx?
Well let me explain :p we had no tacs, Fatal was playing with 30 fps(onboard gfx card ftw), the merc hadnt played et for over a year and was echoing our whole vent ;d u might say this is excuses, but the whole mix of those factors made the match pretty non serious :p

adapted played well, but i dont think that match should be in consideration of an ec invite :p

edit: gotta add the maps were gay, matz had a hungover (and had a funny voice!) and h2o is still working on getting his pro rifle skills back!

edit2: and I had to kill them all :[
been told to reply wiht ----- "adapted had 3 full team members one without comms, 2 new recruits and a merc"
and tactics were decided in the warmup

can everyone draw a big careface pls
lies you were dead full spawn the whole game :P
United Kingdom dignitas
Sweden zeroPoint!
Finland negative image
Finland Incomplete!
Europe The Last Resort
Europe AuXilia
Europe pingwins
Europe Impact.Gaming
Europe 4I
Belgium cZar
Belgium one.soldier
Poland Fear Factory
Netherlands Morrigu
Germany Team-Helix (if not fold)
Sweden ultimate Consp.

This are my 16 EC teams :D
i heard there are 20slots.
dude, are you sure it is me that you want to reply to?
no? ill have a slap with the pay attention stick now thx
yes, 4i is the new name for the team, aka Impressive Insane Internet Impotents .et
no cuz I dont play in sub, I played on the mix that raped sub before their very important cup game.
(I smell another last minute formed team in qualifz)
isn't it 20 teams for EC?
did u re-join them?
u change idea very fast =)
did retro fold :o ?
ec4 maybe?
ec4 ofc
In past OC Premier League Winners got EC invite in the next season...

WoW FF - Next Season: EC Invite
aRtificial - Next Season: EC Invite
Negative Image - Next Season: EC Invite

And your list is shit because you put there like 10 clans that were formed week,month,max. 2 months ago... And teams like FF & NETR don't get invite in ur list.

Btw, Cortana - escn should get qualifier ffs!
aRtificial - Next Season: EC Invite

rofl plz
i dont think that impact will got direct invite... CB admins wont make same mistake twice[abnormal monkeys]...

1) Dignitas
2) zeropoint
3) Auxila
4) TLR
5) 4I aka 141
6) polar eSports
7) cZar

and one.soldier is lan only clan imo
Before, GG was that old team with red tags or smth?
yes, its reform with 2 old players(nizou and infragtes)
aye,I remember -GG-Nizou!
Well if you want an all UK team then i would say that United Kingdom Quack could be in for a qualifier game, under their old nick s5 they did well however with a few lineup changes this time round however as we showed in ET CUP we can still do well beaten only by Finland Incomplete who went on to win the tournament. If people are going to mention sublime since they are all UK squad (although with practice they will be a lot stronger than they are now, just give them some time) then i certainly think our name should be in the mix
you're joking, right?

I think if people talk about sublime as UK team for EC then they should also talk about Quack since sub are not a stronger team imo
ofc sublime is too shit to even be considered for qualis, but quack? come on, you say you "have only been beaten by Incomplete" - well ofc when you only played 3 matches and it was your last, previously you won vs those low+ slovenians and adapted(!!)
i would agree that we dont deserve a EC invite cause we dont have the results yet however if an all UK side is to get a qualifier which is pretty typical for EC then i think we should certainly be in with a shout, i dont know many other stronger UK sides, thats kinda the point i'm making
I don't think the reason someone should get a quali is just because it's an UK clan(or any other one-nation clan only just because it is from some nation)
agree, see my list below
You didnt really face any strong opponent imo.. I mean beaver had nice players but they are like 2 days reformed? The only strong opponent were inc who beat you as well.

Besides this ET-Cup sucked to play in (altho it was good to watch)
it was hard work this cup
I demand atleast qualifier for Inc <3. And imo Img > impact for invites
ec4? vib? plz.. wakeup.. this is EC , not OC
just take a look at the other teams then? rofl..
Yes and? The other teams have players with Ec experience... and ec4? u have, but dio and bliz dont have... they just played one qualifier for Ec, and they lost... and ec4 changed the lineup about 2/3 times in last 2 months
what would u tell then about cZar, beaver, mQ,...? ,no offense :)
CZAR have lots of players that got a 2nd place in last Nc (imo a qualifier would be nice)... they made some officials and are a nice team... beaver and mQ = same reasons of ec4...
and how many players have changed since that game?
Rk, Iratou?
just iratou, kanowne is still playing.
err, rk=incomplete, kanowne busted for cheating.
can't realy say that Iratou joined, since he stayed like 1/2 day(s)... :)
____fun-cup.et____ cZar played for fun and oc4tards played fucking sweaty @ func-cup ROFLED IRL.

Np: Cranberries - Zombie (5:07)
yes we played covert ops too, but ye its just fun-cup . ;>
you stole my list omg
i think we are just THE INSIDERS!
wo is dein reply? ;<
arTis replied to your comment Crossfire 19 Mar 07, 14:18 wo is der hin? :O
wtf?? :o

hab dir nix geschrieben :ooo
naja ich hab das bekommen! ;D
you forgot CwG, they are on ETTV many times a week, must mean they are at least EC skilled

edit: some1 plz ban this idiot if it's really evan(again)
excuse me?

edit: nice edit
1) United Kingdom Dignitas
2) Sweden zeropoint
3) United Kingdom impact
4) United Kingdom TLR
5) Europe 4I
6) Europe polar eSports
7) Poland Netrunners
8) Finland Negative Image


United Kingdom Auxilia
Poland FF
Belgium cZar
Croatia Elite
Estonia Suxus
Finland Incomplete
Finland Grave Guardians
Netherlands Morrigu

United Kingdom One Solider if they stay together for EC
ET doesn't have 15 clans that can equally battle for EC atm
Direct invites:

1. Anonymous Dignitas
2. Anonymous Tlr
3. Anonymous ZeroPoint
4. Anonymous 4I
5. Anonymous Netlimiters
6. Anonymous Impact
7. Anonymous Polar

8. Togo Elite (just because of opencup...)

Teams deserving qualifiers for sho:

- Kazakhstan Pingwins
- Anonymous FF
- Marseille Negative Image
- Turkey Auxilia

Teams that could play in qualifiers:

- Belarus rest of teams from signup list
hahaha if you get this kind of whine just for predictions, i cant wait till the invites and qualis will be announced =P
Europe dignitas
Europe zP
Europe tlr
Europe 141
Poland netr
Europe elite
Europe cdap
Poland ff
Finland img
Europe impact
.. 10 directs cuz theres 20 teams in this ec
+ vib, czar, inc, auxilia, suxus. uC [looks better with inverted u], mQ, spanish and italian team, voodoo, pingwins, oc 2nd winner which name i dont remember, esvka, +...
United Kingdom Dignitas
United Kingdom Auxilia
Europe TLR
Europe Polar
Europe 4I
Poland Netrunners
Poland Fear Factory
Sweden Zeropoint


Finland Incomplete
Finland Grave Guardians
Finland Negative Image
United Kingdom Impact Gaming
United Kingdom sublime Gaming
Anonymous Elite
Belgium cZar
Belgium vib
Europe Vicious & Evil
Europe pingwins
Europe Devils Tail!!!
Estonia suXus
Netherlands Morrigu
Italy eC4
Sweden ultimate Conspiracy
Yeah, we rock.
hahahahahahhahahaha u made my day hahahahahaha devils-tails pffff hahahahaahha XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Funny joke xDDDDDDDDDmtvm xDDDDDDDDDlol ^^
They are HIGH!!!

The ET-Scene is in a huge boost of top teams forming all the time, but there's fo sho one problem and that's is the new teams lifetime. I surely do think that Image and some other are EC quality, but maybe only 6 direct invis so other teams could prove their skill, cause truth is that even that Impact, Image, cZar, vib etc. are skilled, they are so new clans.
ok but why u consider img to be better than netr ?
cause they are?
not even funny. :(
I meant in the ET-Cup, it was some random medskill clan, which is worse than a good mix. :<
yeah, I know but it was an opportunity to paste the stats!
team wich has 2 users busted for using nexus? sure

pingwings &
netrunners should be direct invite
if they are not like mvk? what do u mean with that?
who told u that im on exotic? :P im playing for nofid with some ex-exotic friends
if u meant mix, why not just say that in the first place? I think u meant something else with it, go ahead and say it.
miks tarjoot tyhjää urlia?
if GG is like mvk they should get direct invite
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