c avi for cod4

i play the same versus highskilled oppo or lowskilled
dont know all the maps just yet but after 2days im pretty much owning every1 in every single 1on1/duel situation

want to attend lans in future,have alot of motivation to get high ranked

contact me here or on mirc #PraccHardGoPro /q seareal

thnx :)

also, im looking for demos from highskilled players on events such as lan or cup finals
if ur so kind to upload it for me, i would appreciate it, or just point me into the right direction will appreciate that ass-well

thnx4 ur time & have a goodnight :)
gl chosen
heard he got raped by c++ on valhalla
gl c real!
leave this fucking community and go post this at tek9
i love how kids swear on comments
leave this fucking community and don't post this anywhere else either
leave this fucking community and go post this at tek9 and see my age im no kiddo :P
play some akademi skill! or challange some good people :)
COD4 on public = easy in competion its kind of hard in EAS 1st or EPS quali!
i never play publics, not on et not on cod
lier! saw u sometimes on public xD

and cod4 irc war is different!!!
played it 3 years!
3years, how old is the game :D
released on 5th Nov 2007 ohhh 4 years sry :)
leave this fucking community and don't post this anywhere else either
agree carebook
eeeee..... gl? .... :D
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