Garf avi

Hello crossfire and ET players,

Just heard at work that soon will have the schedule/shifts changed, means gonna get some spare time :) So i'm looking for a free spot in a friendly and fun squad.

About me:

. in for jokes but serious when needed
. spoken language : Romania , England
. able to follow tactics
. playing medic in mostly
. working in shifts so could be max 2-3 evenings per week avi
. don't know about the skill but, consider myself a teamplayer + some decent aim. (guess med-/med cf skill)

About you:

. Friendly guys and fun to play with.
. No ego nerds : kurwa,ffs,omfg = disconnect
. mature

If someone is interested just drop a pm here on cf

image: 4032_b676
gl man !

someone should give him a chance ;)
Danke, Daniel :)
just want to have some fun again before my ET time goes by in a few mounths :)
gl garf!!!! :)
ms :* si pls nu mi mai rupe teasta pe bio atat :))
offf... as vrea eu sa le rup capatanile :))
A good guy, gl mate :)
thnx daddy :)
you are med-/med. GL mate
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