looking for OC clan no. 2

1st topic didn't work out so here's another 1.

Looking for an OC clan with ambition.

I play ET for 3 months now, but played rtcw. Quitted 2,5 years ago and goign to play ET seriously now. Don't know my skill cause i don't play ET that long.

What can you expect from me:

+ good comms
+ kinda mature (20 years old)
+ teamplay > all
+ agressive
+ can speak dutch and english
+ can play multiclass but prefer medic
- sometimes whining if frustrated
- working at nightshift, so i can play till 22:00 / 22:30 at monday/tuesday/wednesday/thursday

What do I want:

* teamplay
* high expectations
* highly motivated

- div.eu (ET)
- gmpo AMD (rtcw)
- infensus (rtcw)
- GoL (rtcw)
- KinG (rtcw)
- Epitaph (rtcw)

/q NOMAC at mIRC if you need more info's or just send me a PM.

btw, I <3 hardcore

EDIT: in rtcw my nickname was Netherlands Ramzi, for all who don't believe the ex-clans, care
LoL'd @ exclans ? :D
jaja toen leerde jij nog fietsen :>

me nick toen was Netherlands Ramzi
LoL'd @ mystic cfg ? :D
ye, it's a nice one :>
i hate hardcore
gl (perfo sucks)
yeah he whine tomutch

Goodluck m8 your same as me:)
rtcw clans

i lol'd
nice if you lol, but it is not my buisniss so stfu pleas omg
ok sir i <3 you
Ramzi van Orange Bullets 2004!
bestaat die nog? luxe
ramzi 4kings ?

tbh this guy owned

take him, just for his name:)
kweenie vond em wel grappig, is vn blade 2 mr k=c die zombie homo hete nl. nomak. alles goe verder?
ok lol :p

maar ja prima, vind ramzi tog beter:d
<3 the crosshair and the graphics :>
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