Pleiades recruiting

We are looking for 2 guys, and few BU players. Btw, only ppl from Finland or you have to be able to talk Finland

Finlandmarkus (medic/2nd engi)
FinlandFat (Rifle)

We have gs+ts. We are looking for medic & fop. Big + if you would like to be ingame leader.

Pmme here or mIRC Vileda at

Skill doesnt really matter, we play 3x in a week monday,wednesday and thursday at 19-22 fin time.
goodluck guys, especially markus & fatcat
gl my sexy lovers fat, reetyy and markus :**********
In astronomy, the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters (Messier object 45), is an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. Pleiades has several meanings in different cultures and traditions.
The cluster is dominated by hot blue and extremely luminous stars that have formed within the last 100 million years. Dust that forms a faint reflection nebulosity around the brightest stars was thought at first to be left over from the formation of the cluster (hence the alternate name Maia Nebula after the star Maia), but is now known to be an unrelated dust cloud in the interstellar medium that the stars are currently passing through. Astronomers estimate that the cluster will survive for about another 250 million years, after which it will disperse due to gravitational interactions with its galactic neighborhood.
Gl pleidians !
i saw " (...) middle-aged hot (...)" and got very excited.

rest of the text was disappointing
thanks for the infos
fat ur nothing better then beach...
hahahahaa, how can you know I have not played ET last 8 week
do you think i was serious :D:D
with kpkp was beach better then fatcat
and idk you didnt play for 8 weeks
engrish motherfucker do you speak it
Fat mad now xD Gtg back to jaymod. would be best
he always tell me, idc what he is saying
its just a med- guy who think he is med+
hhhhhh, Retard he is not but better than med- :) Fat is good when he don't need use brains
does he have brains :D
his aim is good yes i agree
but he is fragger no obj
and anoying madkid
gebruik reply button eens.
avi backuppina jos kelpaa
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