Foxis avi

Hi lads,

After a stop of 4 month I decided to play this game a bit more.
Beïng convinced to play a war with my old friends was to take this step.

Name: Foxis
From: Netherlands
skill: med-
Class: prefer rifle, reviving medic
Aim in game: to win , not xp.
TS3/vent: yes
Mic: yes

What I want from you:

* A stable low+ , med- team
* No whiners, laggers, or other crap
* TS3 or vent server
* Praccing few times a week
* In-game talking @ ts3/vent, good communication
* Friendly but serious in game :D

What you can expect from me:

* Avi few times a week
* Able to talk in-game (not late in evenings)
* Fun in-game
* Able to make tactics with team
* Stable player who wants to play cups /cb

interested? contact here

gl foxis!
Finland Froxe + Finland Noxis = Netherlands Foxis?
I somehow thought the same thing.
gl Foxis
gl GermanyFortis
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