et win7 problem

I just wanted to play 3v3 with friends. I haven't played for a months..
ET cant even start

No error, just crash, change res and back to desktop -

Windows 7 64bit

-run with admin rights
-run with xp compatibility
-pb services run with admin rights
-newest catalyst 11.10

pb isnt supporting ET anymore :D
there is no pb anymore.

download tzac.
I know that. I did it and still same crash - with etpro command line and without it.
well then i have no idea what the problem is, sorry.
try etmain instead of etpro
same.. i suppose its video driver fault. I have 11.10 catalyst special for Battlefield 3. My mate have this drivers too but he can plays et without any problem. I have to check older drivers
Run the game using default configs, ie. delete/rename autoexec.cfg, delete etconfig.cfg and delete profile folders.
Go et video folder and delete video, run as admin and should be done worked by me too
Delete profile folder
delete etconfig from profile (etamin, etpro)
Problem solved!
I have changed my video drivers and it works
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