Crossfire Dota 2 Players

image: golden_ticket

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*crossfire won't link directly to the survey, find "take the survey" on that page

Join the Crossfire Dota 2 Players group on steam.

United Kingdom myself
United Kingdom noodle
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands Azatej
United Kingdom Shuki aka best video game player ever
Canada monkeyy
Netherlands Ming
Italy EliHbK
Finland Demz0r

If I've ever seen you post about League of Legends you aren't getting added to this list.


oh fuck of with these kind of posts
lol, hon, dota, same shit
Avi when i finally have a fucking key ._.
+ fucking ONE
Avi when i finally have a fucking key ._.
cmon :( so many stickys now ;(
i am bontscho
Qakelive,MW3,Battlefield 3,PWO,RTCW (incoming),DoTa 2 (incoming)...

What the f...
I see good game, casuals, casuals, buggy piece of cancer, nostalgia, good game.
I am just sorry, but too many sticekd forum posts there....
Yeh way too many, im having hard time fitting them on my screen
any1 got free invite for me?:)
Avi when i finally have a fucking key ._.
LoL for the win!
If I've ever seen you post about League of Legends you aren't getting added to this list.

This is why this won't be stickied
Baggiez certainly doesn't want LoL scrubs playing Dota 2, so I'm pretty sure it won't matter.
I'm pretty sure he has to be impartial tho ;p
I got the key last thursday. Need some serious counseling though if I am ever going to be any good at it. Have less or more active record of playing HoN for two years and would like to have friendly people to play Dota 2 with.
if you played HoN you should be fine, what PSR were you?
Both PSR and MMR a bit over 1600, I liked the int semi-carries or supports the most at the end when I played with my friends.
I've played ~40 games and I'm quite adapted to it, in fact now playing HoN feels more weird. At the moment there isn't really that many new heroes you even need to learn about.
Yeah. At first it made me laugh how slow the game was compared to HoN. And maybe it was amateurs luck but the first few games I've played, I was pretty dominant as well. Thought if there is any worse players in the world than the ones in that beta :p Needless to say, the luck turned...

Seems that if you have two carries in your team with only a basic attack to rely on (ie. sniper & bad riki) and not a good stun, you will most likely get stomped before the carries reach decent level or items. Lost 4 games in a row before the latest where won with drow ranger 20/1.

e. Oh, also is it my pc or is the game engine really heavy? I mean, even the mouse movement and clicking on shops etc. seem to have some latency.
console + net_graph/cl_showfps would let you know that... i think i know what you mean though, everything kind of does seem to have a latency... i think it's kind of trying to stay true to w3 dota, although i think it could stand to be reduced a bit, pace of dota with responsiveness of hon would be nice
Yeah, agreed on the responsiveness part. I didn't know I can bring up the console in dota, will I need to enable it somewhere or is it the § key?
either -console in launch options or the better way is an autoexec with con_enable 1

actually... "+con_enable 1" might work and not have the disadvantage of loading console at start but i'm not sure about that
Thank you for the tips. I joined to the steam group, maybe play a game or two at some point? Could always use a lesson..
For me the worst part is the hero selection screen in DotA2. It lags like all hell and my PC is more than good enough to play the game. Latency ingame especially when buying stuff etc.
Yeh idd thought it was just me.
add EliHbK
datti a quakelive :(
ma lol.
ho fatto qualche partita a dota2 poi mi sono rotto :D rimango su hon.
io gioco sempre meno ad et e sempre piu' a ql !! di' a val di aggiungermi sono: muuradis !
ti adda, penso.
che uomo!! ma in quale ts te la fai brutta checca ?
If I've ever seen you post about League of Legends you aren't getting added to this list.

I like. Flaming under LoL posts doesnt count i hope?
The more you flame the higher up the list you get.
Done, joined, add me to the list
Avi when i finally have a fucking key ._.
what a group of faggots xd
Dota 2, too casual game
omg perfo looks like a faggot on his profile picture
image: DOTA-2-Tinker

Another case solved.
I didnt think I would troll you with that, I noticed that you and meez changed profile pictures :p
Well Meez looks like a faggot either way!
Quote by GembLOL I think I just trolled you guy.
its meez u nub
you got trolled once again.
Tell me, what makes dota2 better than LoL for example? All the same shit in different package
Dota2 newer, must be better

You, sir, are a fucking retard.
Va chasser du caribou
You are an ET player, and yet you call new games better.

You must be retarded
Thought my sarcasm would be obvious to all, also i honestly think dota is the best.
Couldn't spot it :(
CoD - DotA (original and "best" by some)
CoD2 - DotA2 (better version of original)
CoD4 - HoN (new improved game on basics of original, a bit different but good)
every modernwarfare bullshit after CoD4 - LoL (shit and loved by casuals that play consoles)
and S2 are netcoders selling cheats early access.
oh this is the best explanation ever, honestly

i was originally going to go for

RtcW - DotA
ET - DotA2
Brink - LoL

will get my key this week probably
Add me olpen__ :)
Crossfire <instergamename> players - free sticky tread wtf!
Hope they steal all of your personal information from your steam account
I don't have any personal information on my steam account so I feel pretty safe :o)
still waiting for my key
oh ming <3
fuck school and skyrim, haven't gotten to play properly except for 4 games... obviously 3won1loss. night stalker pub stomper of the century <3
Available, once I acquired a key.
Not enuff players for sticky tbh
I hope this won't be stickied.
Hating a game because it has more casual players...

image: 132026710525
LoL got 11 million active players bruv.

What you gon do bout it
The average skill level of most of them is pure shit, even on garena dota matches the players look like highskilled after LoL.
Haha sure mate, bet you wouldn't even reach top 1000, ever.
What part of AVERAGE don't you get? You can't possibly be telling me that most of the LoL players are skilled.
So you're saying that most of the DoTa2/HoN players are skilled?
Ive no idea about hon, but atleast on Dota people dont start whining if u come to gang on their lane after 30 mins have passed..
Ah well i'm not that experienced or something, so i'll let you have this one! Apologies for my stupidity!
Don't know if anyone will read this but I'm still looking for a key, if there is any going spare, send me a message here..
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