Edified recruiting for LoL

hai peepz,

edified gaming in need of jungler or support.

- u must have some good skills with it.
- we want to improve and prac hard go pro
- we prefer a dutch/be cancerous retard
- we dont whine (":D")
- we want to play some go4lol and take the season 2 championsship final of 2 milion dolars

line up so far
sENSAHA (c) support/jungler
Futimojo (c) ad carry
eV tempie solo topper
ap mid on try out

Add futimojo ingame and ask him for some extra info's, hes online 24/7 since he left school and is now going to be professional gamer.

the most epic team Edified gayming [flag=edje]
avi as support
what a terribly inappropriate name
deal with it
tempie :_D
/q photosynthesis
avi as support
is dat een ja?
we prefer a dutch/be cancerous retard

gij bent geen cancerous retard <3
maar dat kan ik wel worden :(
avi as field ops
Futimojo playing. No hope for you
we are aiming for 1600 premade elo so u should be able to handle that
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