MEPHii & ruisZ need 3rd

Yo ladies,

BelgiumruisZ and me are in need of a 3rd chick. Cuz of hard studies we can only play the week end atm, so that 3rd has to be avi friday and saturday. Ofc, that days after 22cet parties are expected (a)

What we can offer :

*Two funny dudes, serious when needed
*Skill smthing like med- i guess
*Ts channel, lot of games.
*Good atmosphere

About You:

*decent skill, like us or a bit better if ur motivated
*no whiner, ex cheater blabla
*Avi the week end for 3v3 hard
*from Europe, if u speak France would be a big plus
*if u have a pretty sister, it's a big plus too

Well, thx for reading, pm here or /q MEPHii @


image: hot-chick-bent-over
gluck :)
j'aurais bien dis avi mais non :D mais GL
A moins que vous me laissez un try-out :p
Poland sr.....ruisZ XD
im avi, and dutch ;)
Good luck m8s
gl mephii :D
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