win 7 tzac problem

Recently I've installed win 7 and after that i have horrible warps with tzac. Before I installed SP 1 in any action in et FPS decreased and ping increased. After I've installed SP1 the ping doesnt increase, FPS decrease but not so much but the game warps horribly it looks like 40 fps and 200 ping. Without TZAC everyting is ok. And It was ok previously on win XP aswell.
I installed newest ATI drivers and others aswell
u can't handle the power of win7 + tzac ....
no problems here
run as administrator man
did it. aswell as with comatibilty with xp/vista
tzac doesnt ban ppl, it just makes the game unplayable
Like fsecure makes people lagg so much that viruses cannot into your pc?
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