business district supports YOU!
We want to support you
As the Enemy Territory community is getting smaller, our management gungy wants to take another team (or maybe two) into our clan. We all love this game and want to support it as much as we can. Well, if you're interested take a look at our conditions. We do repost that to ensure we reach as much teams as possible, if you contacted us before please do so again in irc or at our homepage (see below)
If you are interested idle in our irc-channel and (i would say or but knoche forced me to make you register at our homepage) register at our homepage businessdistrict
what we expect:
- no 2 weeks Project
- stable
- you are reliable
- you are actively in cups and ladders
- you use our website
- somehow skilled
- matureness
- nice people
- you play with BD tag
what we offer:
- nice atmosphere
- a lot of fun
- warserver and a TS3 ( yes we love TS3 )
- matureness
- psychological help ( you'll need it if you join )
- Website
Our ts is always full with people like this:
For further information pm gungy or kNocHe in or here
Hope to see you soon in
PS: if you just need a few slots in a teamspeak let us know and we will help you out with a channel
Thx for your attention and have a nice day
Wny Hendrix will need this help.