Tursas avi

I'm looking for nice, stable 6on6 team to play with.

About me
  • Finland& England speaking
  • Skill: med-
  • Active
  • Mature
  • Teamplayer
  • Can play any class (Pref. Rifle)
  • Willing to improve

You should be:
  • Active
  • Mature
  • Europe / Finland
  • Willing to improve

Contact me:
Quakenet: /q tursas
or PM me here
just:D! Geeliä! He is better than med-, funny, active + unhit TAKE HIM FAST!

(btw, biggest helium what i've ever seen.. )
Lowbudget :D

gl !
haha :D thanks ^^
gl mate <33
gl brother <3
geeliä tursas mate!
GL man
nice guy, high skilled, ninja skills, sc2 pro, awesome rifle
gl brother <3
Goodluck !
gl bro! <3
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