tzac prob

So, yesterday everything was perfectly fine, but today when I try to run et (thru tzac ofc) every single time it says "The selected game executable is not compatible with TZAC". Anyone knows what might b the problem? I already reinstalled et, but nothings changed :C
go to the tzac website, this ain't the tzac support
ye, but its mostly et site, and this is et related prob and since some1 might have had such an issue he could help me out
I think that you have selected game executable is not compatible with TZAC. Try to do the opposite.
I have et 2.60b exe selected, besides I didnt touch anything and it was workin yesterday :C
Nvm, thx for these super useful comments, if anyone has this problem in the future, I solved it by downloading et2.60b from tzac site.
Np mate.
Maybe the selected game executable is not compatible with TZAC?
You need to start cheat AFTER you start TZAC not BEFORE!
You need to use ur brain BEFORE u post any pointless comment, not AFTER!
Someone is mad and cannot into sarcasm
You just asked stupid question and you´re raging like it is out fault..
image: 8648d1311055173-hanamaru-kindergarten-plz-stop-post
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