How to make a good cup?

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We are considering how to make a good cup?

To let stay enemy territory interesting, we are considering to host some small cups. Well, in our clan there are only people which have not much experience in organizing events. :D So we need your help!

how you can help us, just gives us constructive comments about:
  • what are your wishes?
  • what you do not like?
  • what is often done wrong?
  • do you want to support us?

If you are thinking about to support us as cupadmin:

what we offer:
  • nice atmosphere
  • a lot of fun
  • matureness
  • psychological help ( you'll need it if you join )
  • Website

Our ts is always full with people like this:

If you are interested idle in our irc-channel and register at our homepage businessdistrict

For further information pm Germany kNocHe in or here

Thx for your attention and have a nice day

1v1 valhalla pistols :D
cup of tea yes
love u BD! hope u make a cup after january cus now there is random cups and Wintercup ESL (maybe CB too)
Oh why the topic, you know this one guy who has experience from awesome cups...
and this other guy who was co-headadmin of first evu cup...
and this guy who's the best lolololol...
give me 6o6 cup with coast and reactor, and I kiss you
nice idea :) gl !!
nice idea, gl
Will be better if they will contact 15 best clans in ET (lol) and make a survey ;)
or they can take an example from BFB, didn't read the tuts myself, just remembered they existed ;)
good cup = good prizes, in the most of cases
Good coverages + admins beeing here during the matches in case of any problems.
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