We need a new Logo and Banner

image: 1128870biggdw0m1q9

Dear Crossfire!

As you can see above our logo and our banner could need a new styling. We have made some attempt by ourself. But we could not create a good one. Because we do not have much to offer, we are happy for every suggestion. The only things we can offer are a Teamspeak channel or a bouncer, If we choose your work.

If you are interested register at our homepage businessdistrict. There is a forum where you can place your contributions.

We will not accept any proposals under this post and will make no comments about. We want to prevent that no work will be ruined by flame. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

For further information pm Germany kNocHe in #bd.com or here

Thx for your attention and have a nice day

no comments allowed too

lol, comments are welcome. We ourselves do not make comments about logo´s here


We will not accept any proposals under this post and will make no comments about.
ye was a kind of joke :S

gl ;)
Not boobs, nerd-glasses.
Can't see glasses, just boobs
ask chikita
ask spree
€€€ is what ppl want
Good to see you guys still about. I miss the late night scrims we used to have a couple of years ago :)

I still suck!
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