#Agressive Recruiting

#Agressive Searching for an active 3rd player.

If you are interested you should fit the following profile:

Age: Just try to have a good voice, and a adult behaviour.
language: Dutch , English and a good working mic should help:)
activity: We are playing 4 or more wars a day if we got three players
Skill: around med or smt because everybody is med lately

What we have to offer:

serious play at wars because we want to be the best @ benelux:O or europe:)
Nice ppl
a long lasting clan
we playing in 3on3 benelux and later europe and we are in the summercup

Lineup: tHr , eXi

If you like to try it with us, Contact #Agressive and idlers are welcome 2.

greetz Phemon-tHr
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