nfp looking for one more

We (nfp) are looking for one more teamplayer with decent smg skill to complete our lineup for the upcoming Open Cup. We can't offer you a leet lineup with a possibility to win the Euro Cup or even the OC Premiere. But what we can offer is a stable group of mature, active, whine free (well with one exception maybe :D) players. We are past the 2 week mark by 1,5 years and wont break up after our next loss. We of course have all the necessary servers etc. I'm not even going to try to put our skill level in the low-high ranking, as the ranking is totally fked up in ET, so lets just say it's somewhere in the middle.

What we would like from you:
- be an active teamplayer
- mature (kiddie whine is a big no no)
- ego that is not too big to fit in our small team
- try to get better, but still have in mind that it's only a game
- and of course experience in smg classes (medic/fops/engy)

Contact VeeTh or Fennex #NewFoundPower @Quakenet
or pm me here.

EDIT: Found what we were looking for, thanks for your interest.
nice guys, gl with your search! :>
nice post, lil ego .. gl
gl man :>
gl veeth ! 8]
take me ;'(
Gl NFP<3
gl veeth :)
munaa suolee x)
pm me!

gl nice guys :>
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