Peeter avi

It's time to look for a 6on6 team again.

I'm 23, skillwise around med/+ I'd say. I prefer playing fop or a medic, although I can handle engy also. I'm very talkative and teamplay oriented.

I'm interested in all projects that don't have a lineup filled with rambo whores.

About me:

Speak EE/ENG
Generally polite, friendly and in for a laugh (by far the manliest laugh in ET)
Reliable, generally avi from about 7-8 CET
Currently growing a beard
gl low player
gl peeter good player
What kind of beard?
Pics on progress?
Hairy kind. Aka dont shave for a week. Just trying to get over that fucking ichy feeling
(by far the manliest laugh in ET)

Gl m8, gut teamplayer, reliable and can handle med/+
Quote(by far the manliest laugh in ET)

BIG +1 on this one!
gl nice guy.

i didn't know that u would pick eng as u rather leave a game than pick eng.
If my medics have the same style as me I don't mind taking an engy. But if they play more defensively I'd rather not take it.
from what ive heard no1 can beat Finland Jacker
Quote(by far the manliest laugh in ET)

BIG+1 on this one!
Good luck sensei :-)
Quote(by far the manliest laugh in ET)

Plus fucking 1
haiplus player
gl, gud play0r
Pfffffft, make an offer instead of wishing me luck.
This lad thinks cock tastes good!

Good Luck Peeter.
gl Peeter! Sup with hface?
Nothing has happened in 2 weeks
<3 Peeter
gl peeter :)
gl braaaaaaaaaaa
good luck peeter ;)
GL man<3
gl mate !
I am just wishing U good luck :) !
Gl, nice guy
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