hsTE avi!
Aight lads and ladies, been quite inactive recently so I thought I'd like to play a bit more ET. Don't think this has affected my skill all too much though and would think I can still compete comfortably at a med+ level.
Got exams in the coming weeks so after that I'll be much more active but I'd just like to see if anybody would be interested in me as I stand now.
So, if you'd like a hard aiming medic that also knows where weaponbank 5 is located, then hit me up on CF. If I'm on irc I'll most likely be in #encrypt but not often as I don't have a BNC. Knowing you would be a big plus, would actually prefer that.
Ex clans and stuff in profile or you can just pm me.
Got exams in the coming weeks so after that I'll be much more active but I'd just like to see if anybody would be interested in me as I stand now.
So, if you'd like a hard aiming medic that also knows where weaponbank 5 is located, then hit me up on CF. If I'm on irc I'll most likely be in #encrypt but not often as I don't have a BNC. Knowing you would be a big plus, would actually prefer that.
Ex clans and stuff in profile or you can just pm me.
and gl in ur exams, I got exams in few days aswell ;x
nuff said
nice to see someone who doesn't tell oh i just comeback after 2 years then i'll sucks
becauze ET is like bycicle, u aren't able to forget it.
i think u need less than twoo weeks to get ur skills back.
goood luck m8
but hste that wasent very nice, maybe he played with kamz to much?
Its probably because you don't know me very well but I never intented to flame u
Oh, and I just asked what team u played in nowadays and u responded with something like fuck off boss
Anyway, I'm sorry u took it that way
Always clean bro :D.