Hennessy avi

Hi cf, as d&b decided to disband, i'm now looking for another team.

About me:
- multiclasser (rifle and fop my weaker classes though)
- can speak eng/ee
- can be avi everyday
- if you have played with me, then you know my skill (stable med/+ for people that do not know me.)
- pref if i know someone from team
- 6v6/3on3 looking for both.
- really active
- good comms

What i'm looking for:
-med or higher skilled team
-cool guys, fun
-prefer if you have server+teamspeak but if not, i can probably get one
-taking part of the important cups/one day cups

For more information pm me in cf or add hennessyboi on xfire.
gl hennessy<3
goood luckkkkkkkkkk ahhaha :D
good luck :()
thanks for the good wishes guys
GL Hennessy nigger <3
gl estonian :D
fat cunt gl :D
Skilled, uber active and a reliable nice guy! gl
gl jebany cwelu
gl nigglet! :>
good luck! :)
"Med " max. Gl whiner
you have never played a serious game against me, you're not the guy to rate, but thanks
Serious or not, i played several matches against you. Imho you are good player but not med+.
I wish you gl despite you behaved last time we played against.
by that i mean obviously i was not giving my best or paid much attention to the game, but anyways this is not the right topic to discuss it , i'm here to look for a team and not argue about this, and sorry for how i behaved the last time i played against you.
That's a good thing, Gl
it's not like you wouldn't still behave like a fucking mongol, especially the fact that you have proof your "might" by ddosing servers with your stupid proxys
Man who insult other men talking about behavior. I see what you did there.
He's right so shut the fuck up if you don't know what this is about
Don´t care if he´s right or not, still he is insulting and talking about behaviour. Like u...
DDOS attack has nothing to do with behavior fucking mongol
Why do you insulting me? What i do? Please, it´s time to stop posting man...
Because your English is bad as fuck
stupid ddossing kiddo, go die
gl henn, nice lad. deserves a good 3o3/6o6 team
I love you hennessy!
he is the bestest everer
gl my friend
gl the guy who like to DDoS the et gather serv
gl vittu pedekas <3
"Med " max. Gl whiner

Wheres my ddos you promised me mr.failer?
gl carrier :D
high ++ atleast
GL mate!
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