Qubenet Server

Been a while since I last was here on this forum tbh, But hello to you all

As a part of our plan to start playing Wars again we just started a public etpro server with Tzac.

24 slots, no crap added, a few popular custommaps and located in London UK

Bear in mind that we are very very rusty with etpro and therefor a bit crappy at the beginning :) but im sure very soon we will have gained in skills again.

hoping to see some of you on the server.

laters all
omg grim froxe rapsu mmake ebin gl
Nice. Good luck! :)
dam, that's nice! cu there :)
cu there :D
Server will be set as a stopwatch from tonight

still working on the last cfg changes, been a while since i messed with pro ;)

thx for replies btw
we demand minas! < 3
Is it obj or just frag?
nah all you need is

for etpro tzac pub
nah i dont need those mate :) sure others do tho, so keep up the good work
nbs 1 sucks , delivery only :(
nbs2 is pretty nice
maak nbs 1 map rotation met alle competitie maps(supply grush adler frost radar ofzo) en nbs2 map rotation met echte pubmap(minas warbell stuff like ethat)

en nbs 3 non-tzac met map vote+timevote zonder rotatie(daar zitten ook vaak cheaters dus dan maakt t niet uit, is toch al saai :D)
Klinkt leuk maar die pubmaps klinken nou niet echt gewild ofzo, we hebben al eerder verschillende andere maps erop gezet en dat wilde niemand.
omg grim froxe rapsu mmake mortal (fop?) ebin gl

minas ftw!
ooooyeah babe!
Cu there
oh i forgot

we have room on our ts3 also for that server so connect to et.qubenet.net and use that while playing
gl patriot :)
So have been listning to ppl all night complaining about my poor skills in setting a server up. ;)

I have changed some stuff so it now should run as ppl wants it
Server is now a Stopwatch obj server

rotation is
adlernest - supply - frostbite - tc_base - et_ice - sp_delivery_te - sw_goldrush_te - radar - bremen_b3 and missile_b3

Use our ts3 while playing there, just connect to et.qubenet.net.
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