antilag - really needed?

My question is: With the new, good connections, everybody pings 48. So do we really need an antilag?

Theorically is good but pratically it isnt.It damages low pings to help high pings.
Starting from the point that if u have an high ping it's your problem not of the rest of players and u shouldnt play, why the antilag?

Antilag combined with snaps 20 (best setting is 40) and stuck net settings make this game unplayable especially when the routing start to get more than 10 points.

Antilag should be to b_antilag 0
snaps should be 40
rate should be variable from 18000 to 25000 (there are people with wimax and isdnif i play in german servers my best setting is 21000)
maxpackets should be 76-100

We don't really need a program that predicts what you gonna do and how u gonna move and helps who got a higher ping. Good pings are the majority then a great game is ruined for the minority.

i am italian and in german or nl servers i really hit shit.

antilag? no thanx .. not this antilag

QuoteMy question is: With the new, good connections, everybody pings 48.

Good joke :D
Not even nearly everybody has 48 stable ping, for myself i had 48, when i changed isp it went to 48-76(not including image: 53919368)
visible ping is not true... it's a leveled estimation on the average, doubt many has exactly around 48 ping to anywhere.
i used to play rtcw from ping 80 to 120 .. but it didnt bother me very much.
Anyways if i get a high ping, i simply dont play, i dont damage other players with good pings cause i have it higher

anyways this game has become really weird.
There was this amazing column or something on this site about high pings, you clearly should invest some time in reading it.

here it is -
you without antilag................ i dont even wanna imagine it
a beast unleashed with 0 ping
that reading is nice. but my question is clear. is it really needed? antilag is anyways a prediction the program does. A prediction isnt a fact, its a prediction.
So maybe the program calculate i will move left and register the hit. what if i moved right?
thats why sometimes the bullets move you in another position during the animation of the death.
How it's a prediction? as far as i understand it checks if you hit if you had 0 ping, so it should make the aiming more acccurate, cant see any prediction anywhere

If that indeed makes it more accurate, then ofc its needed. Why not?
Well, I am pretty sure removing antilag will result the game itself in a bad way, at least activity wise.
and, imo, there's nothing wrong with antilag as well. It's working just fine.
Antilag is not needed for me!
On most EU servers i have below 48
image: 1671094507

And it the ping times will only decrease if there are more fiber optic connections in the future.
Here in the Netherlands 500/500Mbit fiber optic connections are available on some locations already and that will be increased. Imagine how low the pings will get than?
We got 1Gbit/1Gbit here. :> Costs like hell though.
You know how much 500/500 is here with digital tv and voip? 85 euro a month.
How much is the 1Gbit connection? You could share it with a whole street :)
Can't find the price online. I just recall some ads from a year back or so.
image: 943747809

yes fiber is good
Nice download.
But your upload is a little bit low comparing to your download :D is not that good for testing upload, because it takes more time.
i come live near your house how can you have that connection D:
No thanks, everything it's fine
rate 21111
cl_maxpackets 63

goot setting ?

+ not everyone has 48 ping on every server.
i ping between 60 and 100 so not everybody is having 48 as u may think. loads of connections are still superb shit.
Since I've got my new internet, I'm getting 3hs every time and even from the worst aimers in this game, I WANT TO LAG

Help me lag plz >:
whats this snaps command rly doing?
Member For: 5 years, 11 months and 29 days :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
No thanks, everything it's fine
Suprise suprise you're still whining about nonsens topics even after 5 fucking years. Grow up old man.
its not truncated, u can choose either 1 or 0

snaps and packets are though
Quoteif u have an high ping it's your problem not of the rest of players and u shouldnt play

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQABelxk7XMzHOjh5cdawHsa1nTbqArk1gpQPO9VZZAeI151DdpxIa0KhjMxw
Good thing ping isn't lag.
good anti lag = etpro anti lag
exploitable anti lag = cod4 anti lag, result
even if it is "unfair", it would kill the activity and game as said
Sorry, but you don't know what you are talking about.
how about u invest bit more time to this and make an article?
QuoteWith the new, good connections, everybody pings 48.


QuoteTheorically is good but pratically it isnt.It damages low pings to help high pings.

antilag doesn't damage low pings, and it doesn't help high pings either. It just allows you to aim at what you see instead of aiming ahead.
If it did give a real advantage to high pingers, everyone would try to get a high one, instead people pay $$$ to have lower pings...

QuoteAntilag combined with snaps 20 (best setting is 40) and stuck net settings make this game unplayable

Best is 40? how do you know? why not 50 or some other random number while you are there? Snaps must be equal to sv_fps, which is 20. You won't get any noticeable improvement with a server running at 40 fps anyway, and as bani said, it would break some features as well.
snaps 40 with a server running at 20fps is just dumb.

Quoteespecially when the routing start to get more than 10 points.

If you need to pass from many nodes, it means your ping is higher. So you basically say that you don't hit well if your ping is higher (no sh*t), but at the same time you say that antilag favors high pingers... you have no clue.

Quoterate should be variable from 18000 to 25000 (there are people with wimax and isdnif i play in german servers my best setting is 21000)

This made me laugh. You obviously don't know what rate is. Rate 21000 means that you tell the server 'don't send me more than 21000'. It's a maximum threshold, if you set rate to 50000 and you play in a server with 3 ppl you won't certainly reach that limit.
Besides, with higher snaps and sv_fps you would need a higher rate, not lower.

Quotemaxpackets should be 76-100

yes, let's lower maxpackets from 100 so people will warp more... good idea

QuoteWe don't really need a program that predicts what you gonna do and how u gonna move and helps who got a higher ping.

Antilag doesn't predict anything. you see enemies in the position they had in the past, antilag stores that position before sending it to you, and retrieves it again to check if you hit. Maybe you can predict the future, but the past... again you have no clue.

Client prediction predicts (no wonder), but you can't disable it because cg_nopredict is locked, and without prediction it sux hard anyway. And it was there in rtcw too, only you didn't notice because you are too dumb and/or lazy to get the info. And it's a totally different/separated feature than antilag.

Quotei am italian and in german or nl servers i really hit shit.

maybe because your ping is higher?

anyway, if you think antilag gives an advantage to high pingers, just raise your ping artificially, take an old pc and put some network simulation software between you and your router, you won't hit sh*t but at least you will learn that high ping is not good in any way.
Finally someone with a bit of smartness and who knows what its been talking about... Clearly this mtvm guy has no clue
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