Clan-FA (Fraggers Anonymous) recruiting

Hey there :>

Some might call it sentimentality, some others even necrophilia, but imo this clan exists too long to let it simply die.

Since some of our members decided to go inactive/leave, we're looking for a few (2-4) active and friendly players (preferably 18+) to complete our lineup.

Clan-FA exitst since 2004, we're mostly between 20 and 30 yrs old coming from across europe. Altough not completely lacking ambition, our main goal is to have fun in competitive play.

Due to the fact that our clanleader -FA-Undy is on holidays atm ( i decided to call an internal revolution and made this post ;) ), our relineup is scheduled around the 10th of July, in the meantime i'll be there for any questions.

If u're interested, plz leave a post in our recruitment-section of or contact us at #clan-fa @ qnet.

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