image: bannerpmcgwf6

Dear Crossfire users

well after i heard that wolfenstein players like Showtime (German Godfather of Wolfenstein with 34 years),Stylor & Schebek try to build something serious for ET, i joined them instantly, i played with them from 2003-04 and the most of the rtcw players knows the name PMCG from the great wolfenstein times, schebek and stylor also played team-ger in rtcw and pmcg played on a decent lvl.

In the last 3 weeks i saw alot of potential and we played a few praccs vs OpenCup "Premier" teams and we played really well, but we need atleast +1 more german to play the upcoming competitions like CB Ladder, OpenCup and this ESL saison!
(We are in playoffs in league 2 or 3 dunno)

We need someone who is +18, can handle any class and is active on the following days, Sunday - Monday and Thursday from 20-23cet. We are 6 players allready and this 6 are also the main core but 2 of us allways has exams and the others are working or spend some time with other shit, so you will play alot anyway!


Germany Showtime (C)
Germany humM3L (C)
Germany BlackStar
Germany Schebek
Germany Stylor
Germany c0bra

Germany you?

What we need:

~ Be mature and give good ingame infos.
~ you need to handle med skill or better.
~ Be avi and motivated if we need you.
~ German (atleast you need to understand german).
~ Well you need to be allowed to play ESL this Saison.

Germany Sh1zzel & Keule :D

You can find me or Schebek in #PMCG or pm via crossfire,
you need to understand german, i had to make this post in english.

Cheers, regards Team-PMCG
gl cobra ;)
get thrill back!!!111

good luck mates was always fun to play in a team with u <3
Germany mental
good luck old PMCG enemy! ;)
gl boys :D
viel glück jungs!
Dir ist aber bekannt, dass die nie wirklich inaktiv waren und eigentlich ständig als Team gespielt haben? x)
Wo ist eigentlich Endstille hin? ;-)

gl Showtime
BlackStar ist endstille
BlackStar ist Fenix und Endstille ist Endstille du hast eine ahnung =)
wieso hat dann fenix unter dem namen endstille gespielt? ist mir auch schnuppe, die einzigen mit denen ich davor schon was zu tun hatte sin meteor und stylor
Vllt hat er mal unter dem nick aus fun gespielt weil er ja endstille kennt, keine ahnung.
jo du hast recht
Clan needs more leaders :x
gl dem daniel :P
könnte ich mich ja eig mal melden oder?
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