0V!E zLoL!

Now that my exams are done, I finally have some time to start playing again!

- I play zeh rifle, clanhistory in my profile!
- EC-Experienced zLoL!
- I prefer EC/OC Premier teams, but could make an exception if your team is stable and fun !

Pmme at crossfire!
Good luck, zLoL!
gl zlol :)
how many comebacks u had already now? :D
gl anyways good player
A few, but nothing serious since FiF :p
aright, gl mate
gl ov!eeeeeee :)
GL pwnz0r, easily one of the best rifles you can find.
succes man ;)
succes lieverd
goodluck broer
gl, find a team else ill come over to your house everyday and slap you in the face.
you dont get the joke :(

gl brother of gangster!
TAKE HIM! otherwise he will be on BIO or NBS 24/7.

gl gangst0rr!
gl ovie :D
Waar is 100 hs Overschie?
het is -10 en ovie komt weer te voorschijn =D
negerts zijn gewend aan zon hea :)
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