#erAse.et needs replacement

Good afternoon gentlemen, ladies and transexuals.

image: wilz10

Faith has run its course and having expected it for quite some time now, our beloved hero FinlanddTEC7/Niko has been called up to arms by Finnish authorities. We don't expect him to come back in one piece either, since his muscles are build up out of pepsi cola and candy. Yes, he is probably going to die.

Let us take some time to remember what we've been through with our friend dTEC7. I myself got a lot of intentional and unintentional hate from Nikobro. Things varying from him deleting me from his xfire and cf friendlist up to 5 times or him changing his clanbase nick to "FUCKDEANFAGGOT". I must say #erAse.et truly admired him for being the champion of ET and god of flame, rage and madness.

Thank you for all the madness Nikobro <3

Moving on to the scheduled business then.

FinlanddTEC7 in the army means an opportunity is opening up for you guys! Having played together for a pretty damn long time now (closing on 3 years now) we've had our ups and downs, smiles and frowns. We've won some stuff, lost some stuff, but most of all we laughed our asses off plenty of times.

So we need the following:

+ A med/+ supportive medic, going covy when needed.
+ Some sort of dedication and a lot of power aim!
+ Avi on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday at least (between 20:00 and 23:00 GMT +1).
+ Motivated!
+ An awesome & funny guy that gives comms and is up for a joke. (being a stoner is a +)
+ Teamplay. (!)
+ Have xfire, we don't use irc!

If you do not meet all of these requirements you are still allowed to drop an application if you feel you can add something kickass to our team :)

In return to all this we have the following to offer you:

+ Dedication. We hate to lose when we don't have to.
+ A lot of laughs and some pictures of our hot members and not to forget a lot of madness!
+ Playing offi’s when we can.
+ ts 3 server + gameserver
+ Stability. We've been playing together for up to 3 years now, and some of us even more.
+ Participating in esl 6on6 winterleague!

We hope we are able to find a good replacement for our beloved Nikobro!
Feel free to drop an application on crossfire here: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=message&mode=compose&to=25530 or add our hero captain NetherlandsesSe on xfire: esse0
Try-outs will probably be tonight around 20:00/20:30 GMT+1.

Our line up is the following:

ItalyStevji rifle (Latest addition to the team, a real ladiesman)
United KingdomNips medic (Insane aim, but he lacks a pair of working kidneys)
FinlandBossHK fops (Very rambo and also a huge LoL pro)
United KingdomroDs medic (Oldest member and a childmolester)
NetherlandsesSe eng/smg (El capitan de #erAse.et, he is huge and black)
EuropeYou? MEDIC

NetherlandsDeann (Just Deann, a true hero)
FinlandtoNi (Our good old fashioned pro <3)
AustriaDonMatthias (DOOOOH :D)
FinlandEpo (Ollimate, our very own WoW pro player)

See you on the darkside my friends.

image: 1327618593660
image: 1327615932278
fuck you <3
nono, fuck yooouuu <3
no youuuu <3
dat ass

good luck Guys
gl guys !!!
hope u find a good player !!

gl seems a nice team , i wish i was playin with stoners too :(
never online anymore
element low+ max with brain damage
He was a clever bastard though
fUNNy that you call people low+, when they are better than you :)
u're in no position to talk about skills nor brains idiot.
gl jongens

e: Great team to play with, be fast, spot won't be open that long!
2 weeks max
wtf is this?
o hai

mucho love
Avi, but not gonna use Xfire... :)
u guys have a history together :D

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