Gnome avi

for a blowjob

and a 6on6 team, he is pretty good I guess and from United Kingdom. he is a rly cool guy but he hasn't played in a team since 2009

Gnomes sister:
image: mh9m6ofr

You can contact him on teamspeak defaultport and via chat message.

and this is serious so some1 take him!

his sister is hawt
it's me not my sister >_< still interested
gl panda
image: y8KMK
she is so beautiful!
i take your sister
your sister is very pretty :)
he played for glitz, but gl to that little cunt
gl gnomert!
ctrl?!?!?!? omg backstab omg aaaaaaaaaarghhh dieing here grgrmmmgmrrrrmmmphh
all we need is few more gnome! :D let's create something and btw, we will fix your cunt bnc today...
good luck pwner :)
Good luck motherfucker <3
gl cunt :D
gnome's mom told him that he could beat up kids with a bonus chromosoom
why you so hatin' me ? I've done nothing wrong with u
gl pwner
gl gnomert
gnome are you doing this night? Lets play a game and also with your sister.
nice to know you mate ;) (who the fuck are you?)

pm me on mIRC
gl saammm<3
gl gnome :D
gay u still palying?
He didnt reply to you because 2 low
just make your own post next time, dont let a known player make it for you.
GL though
he can make one for you too
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