The BUG community

Hello community,

I would like to tell you a short story;

About three years ago there were two new clans, RDS and TRoD.
Those two clans had a good relationship with each other.
So about one year ago they decided to merge up together into one clan, called Bull3t*proof.
But like you all know, there is no such thing as happy endings and the clan went inactive because of some misunderstandings.
About 3 Months ago, Croatia Crospyder (He is a VIP in the history of this clan) started with a plan to bring all the old members of RDS, TRoD & Bull3t*proof back together.
So he, Belgium Krosan (also a VIP) and Poland Aburn (also VIP) made up a site with forums were all the guys could talk again with each other and stuff like that.
It worked out pretty well and members were joining very fast. At the moment we have around 50 active members.
It worked out so good that we decided to sponsor a 6on6 Enemy territory Sqaud; #mi6
They decided to give it a day because of intern problems, so we had no scrimm team to defend to BUG community's honour.
Poland StorN, ex-member of #mi6, decided to create a new sqaud to make some achievements in the current Enemy Territory comunity.
The name of this squad is bull3t.

The line-up of this squad was:

Poland StorN CL Medic / Fieldops
Belgium Nick Rifle
Poland Faithless Medic
Poland S!N Fieldops / Medic
Poland 45 Medic
Belgium Boom Medic / Engineer


Belgium Krosan Fieldops / Soldier

But Poland S!N decided to quit ET and Poland 45 & Poland Faithless are too inactive, so current line-up is this:

Poland StorN CL Fieldops / Medic
Belgium Nick Rifle
Belgium Boom Medic / Engineer


Belgium Krosan Fieldops / Soldier
Poland Faithless Medic
Poland 45 Medic

So we are currently recruiting 3 active players.

What can we offer to you:

- An active squad. (low+ / med(-))
- A gameserver, located in Frankfurt, Germany.
- A ventrilo server.
- A nice and friendly community that fully supports us.
- We will join ladders and cups after we get decent squad and get to know tactics well

What are we looking for:

- Guys who live in Europe, or people who still play good with a high ping. (our server is located in Germany)
- A medskilled Medic, so the others can try to learn something.
- A low+/med- Medic.
- An allrounder (good soldier, fieldops, medic and covert-ops skills) also low+/med-.
- You have to be active, we train almost every day in the week and sometimes in the weekends.
- You need to be mature (able to listen during trainings) and reliable.

We are NOT looking for cheaters, ex-cheaters, whiners, clanhoppers, clandestroyers, ... and all the other negative things.
I would like to thank you for your attention and I wish you all good luck in your further ET-carrier,


SITE: BUG community
n1 post gl :)
Thank you, I hope it will be worth the time I spend to it. :D
gl to you, communauty gaming is really nice :)
i am still playing with the guys i started ET with, now we moved to bf2142, but are waiting for et quake war :)
RDS was my first ET clan, and now i came back to it, it is weird to see all this guys again but also funny.
gl Netherlands bOoM!
neen het is Belgium Boom !
gratz for the longest post in recruitment ever :D

gl =)
lol, thank you :p
I'm sorry to hear that, mostly i see posts without information so I thought, i'll make a decent one :)
this makes me emo .. :'(
Even an EMO can wish us good luck ;D
Wiiii, thank you ;)
When I read the title I thought this was going to be someone whining about this community exploiting bugs in the game.

haha, as you can see it's nothing like that ;)
GL to yourself? oO :DDDD
NICE POST =) GL and have a great time together =)
"clandestroyers" i loled rly xD
nice nicklaming, Nick, you stole my nick (Nick)
errr ...

#1 Mijn echte naam is Nick.
#2 ik ben van 1987, jij van 1990.
#3 Mijn ex-clan noemde digital esports, daarom de digital.
#4 Ik ben al langer lid dan jou op, Loekino heeft men vorige account verprutst daarom dat ik een nieuwe heb.

Dus ik ben de nicklamer?
ja (oude account: Member For: 2 years and 28 days)
Quotenice nicklaming, Nick, you stole my nick (Nick)

Are you a fucking retard? i stole your nick? you still have your nick so i didn't stole shit.
Stop acting like a retarded twat and wish us good luck.
newspost maybe?
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