Little problem

Hi Guys,
I have a little problem:
The button to come into the console is damaged on my laptop. So i cannot use my console. Is there a way tot change the console button?
Nope, impossibru
Nope, you wont be able to play any game nao ;/
Buy a new tilde button
well, you could try remapping buttons in your OS (I am pretty sure there are some programs for that) and bind it on your desired button.
wouldn't advise this, after it becomes a real mess :p
i guess, u change the button to other in regedit
et console ?
bind derp "toggleconsole"
bind X toggleconsole in your autoexec
how is he supposed to exec the config after this changes being made ? :D
he can also create shortcut on desktop with +autoexec :) but it should be fine sine autoexec is suppoused to autoload
hence the autoexec..
Maybe too much to ask, but can someone send me a config with this in it?
Just started playing ET again since 3 years and i actually forgot how it all works.
I would be very thankfull!
just buy new keyboard.^^ (not the best way, but what ever..)
It's a laptop.

He could, just add +bind X toggle console to his et.exe shortcut arguments. Could. If he knew how.
Is that hard to explain?
Takes time, times money. Google it.
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