Alexander Povietkin vs Marco Huck

My predictions Alexander win this fight by k.o at 8 round , write how do you thinking

image: c1kkbjnfedm63lzrg
how do you thinking
write how do you thinking
how do you thinking
you are is my idol
kto wygral tego missle cupa
whats wrong mother fucker ,just google translate
i thinking not care
no kurwa japierdole
according to your grammar, I think u are using google translator
forum post worthy
povietkin only hiding.. so boring. just first 3 rounds he was fighting. other 9 only going down with his head :/
Huck should've won..
go for the learn english
e: at least poventkins face looked like a face in the end, while huk looked like smurf. doesnt matter if he could varely could stand. fight was entertaining. result is fine imo ^^
Huck should've won
pretty bad prediction
decision was a joke.povietkin was hiding his ass every fucking time he got hit, and also huck landed more and better shots. povietkin couldnt even stand anymore after the fight...well im sorry for huck,he deserved it more
new Sunny
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