tursas & simlar avi for 6on6

We're looking for nice, stable 6on6 team to play in,

  • Finland & England speaking
  • Skill: med-
  • Active
  • Mature
  • Teamplayer
  • Can play any class (Pref. Rifle)
  • Willing to improve

  • Finland & England speaking
  • Nice aim, no brain
  • Active
  • Medic/Fops
  • Willing to improve

You should be:
  • Active
  • Mature
  • Europe / Finland
  • Willing to improve

Contact me:
Quakenet: /q tursas
or PM me here

Or him:
PM in CF
Xfire: aviceze
gl tursas
Good luck
Member For: 5 years, 1 month and 1 day
Hits 151

wtf :D
where does these finns come from:( unknowns to me. not that I was any known or anything but still
Simlar aka caqq , probably.
Yup it's. Dunno why he's having problems choosing one nick to use :D
Hei vitun pellet aletaanko pelata 3o3? ;)
ai uus nimi vai?
Eikö sankari tai joku muu vätys iske noita kahenviikon projekteja pystyyn harvasepäivä, samat pelaajat eri nimi. Menkää mukaa, sekottakaa pakkaa, EHKÄ ne viel joku päivä kestää! GL
Eihä sankari mitään tiimejä laita pystyyn?
Tursas clanhopping like a boss
Every now and then seems like you are in some teams line-up and then again I see recruitment post about you.
Gl jätkät
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