stable fps

Hi I have a random et question. So back in the 2005 when i installed ET for the first time I had a 1,2GHZ AMD Duron, 256mb sdram, and some shit 96mb graphics card and i didnt even know what fps is because i hadnt any fps related problem so i assume i had min. 76 fps because game was smooth even on big maps like mml_minastirith

in 2007 i bought another much better computer and i continued playing, then i knew already about all the cfg stuff so I had125fps without any problem. In 2010 i had exacly the same pc, the same config and even after total hard disk format i couldnt get stable 125fps, I had even problems with 76 on some bigger maps :D

Now i have a lenovo laptop with dual core 2.1ghz, 3gbs ram and some intel hd graphics (this is actually shit but compared to my first 96mb graphs it should be enough) and on open areas on radar or grush I have max 76fps :D

So the question is: how the fuck is that possible?
ET is magical :D
I kinda doubt that you had stable 76 with that old PC...
look at requirements...

System requirements
600 MHz CPU
128 MB RAM
32 MB OpenGL graphics card
56.6k Modem/LAN

My oldest PC was twice better than et requirements
Requirements are often set so low that people would buy the game with shit PC's, no way you run it smoothly with minimun.

Maybe you had way lower resolution or smth :)
yeah noticed the same

had such a shit pc and game was running so smooth, now I still have my 125 fps but I can notice some drops, I seriously ask myself how...
yes PC goes old.
PC goes old togoether with the time but not with et because it is in the same 'place' when it has been released
God, thats why.
2 core 3.4 Ghz is better than 4 core 2.4 GHz in ET for example...

More core rate will you get, than higher FPS you will have (One core game)
well I think dual core 3.2 is same as single core 3.2, et doesnt use 2 cores anyway

but still 2,4 is much more than I needed to play it comfortable 7years ago when i had shit pc :D
Incorrect, ET is not exactly CPU dependant. I have my cores at 4.8GHz, all 4 of them. I know ET runs on 1 core and paralel is not possible with ET (yet). Graphics card is what determines the majority of game performances. This is however different with other games.
Well, i just update my Intel Dual Core 2.4Ghz to Quad Core 2.8 GHz and now i dont have any problem with fps.
4Ghz ftw
isnt 4,04 ghz 2much for silicon? How do you cool it?
lol no, I'm at 4.8GHz - 4 cores... I cool using: Noctua D14

image: 3_thumb - 60c max load...
gimme new overclockable mobo so i can go back to 4.2ghz with mine :(
I have the Asus Sabertooth P67 - does the job. Not the best board in the world, but it's GUI BIOS and overclocking unlocks are amazing. Cheapish also, paid £150 or the abouts for it :P.

Also unlike most mobo's it shows point of problem, say if you don't have graphics card inserted correctly, it shows a light at the problem.
nice, i had AsRock P67 pro3 b3 myself, died 1½ months after warranty closed! ive been trying to save some money for new one, pretty hard when i get 17€ students aid per month. (dunno if thats the word)
Fucking big ass cooler :DD

Got my 2500k @ 4,5Ghz, max load 67c, did go to 4,7Ghz (just for teting) and temps max 73c

Using cooler master EVO
cool story bro
xD it is a really BIG cooler :). Hey man, Woooo (lol @ comment below), said you might have a free BNC to share with me? I've never used one before, as I never have had to. Would it be possible for me to have one please?:)

Thanks a lot ;)
Corsair H100, 50°C max in OCCT
Try to play with stable 50fps
Reason being graphics card updates push older textures and rendering methods to the back. Companies focus on new games and older games seem to get slower and slower (FPS wise). Choose a decent driver version (if you mainly play ET) and you'll see an FPS increase.

I had in 2005 AMD 4400+ X2, 2Gb RAM, 500Gb HDD, Nvidia 7800GT - cost my parents £££££ back then, I was playing 6-7 ET's and still got a stable 125FPS on all maps. I could reach 1000-2000FPS (which is unplayable BTW, the mouse freezes :D).

I now have a 2500K @ 4.8GHz and I fail to get 125FPS on bigger maps. My graphics card exploded (well burnt lol) and I'm not with a temporary 210GT which is like £20 - so I get low FPS. A half decent card and CPU is more than enough for ET.
no software which is compatible with radeon hd 5500, Phenom II x4 3.2Ghz , and makes ET run decently? Can hardly get 76 fps in ET ...
Get loads more in Call of Duty ...
My first and only suggestion would be using Windows XP. I can easily get 125 FPS on all maps in Windows XP ;). You could always Dual Boot if you want ;)... simple as install and use EASYBCD to add both of the operating systems to choose from at boot time ;)

Win7 really hit FPS :P
use task manager and set 1 core for et in affinity
Or use my tool called ET Affinity - also works for all applications & games available for Windows.

Download & Info:
can u use that with slac?
Nope, I didn't work on it with SLAC / TZAC - You could always ask @ TZAC forums ;)
Would be great if you could make it work with tzac
but task manager its already in windows :p
xD, but this sets it before you run the game / application ;). Also shouldn't change on map restart.
ah i see :) anyway every time i run et from tzac affinity is set on 1 core without i need to do it every time
magic! xD
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