#a2o.et recruiting

Hello AnonymousCrossfire,

We are searching 2 new guys (again yes), due to SwedenCupCake who has exams and couldn't find the motivation to frag atm, and United KingdomElemen7 which had a bad flu, and leaving to USA soon. We're looking for a medic and a fops

What we expect from you:

Speak English & know how to use your microphone
Mature & motivated, but always in for a laugh
Be at least med skilled
Would be good if you know one of us
You are available at Tue/Thu/Sun and maybe Wed @ 20:00CET

We offer you:

Med skilled
Voice and gameserver
Nice guys to play with
TS - Server
Cups, leagues, ladders etc...

Line up[/b]]
Russiazentic ( 2nd Eng )
Netherlandsj4Ck ( Medic )
SwedenSMeKHT ( Medic )
United Kingdomeuphoria ( Rifle )
EuropeYou? ( Fops )
EuropeYou? ( Aggressive Medic )


Tryouts Tonight 20:00CET


|| IRC: #a2o.et /q zentic`mD|| PM Me||
kick euphoria, take me ":D"
looooooooooool adrian co te robisz tam? czemu mate czemu...
and gl daxxinator!
Why are you so rude? He is playing with us since ~2/3month.
avi ":D"

e: gl dem zentic
in my opinion you're just saying this sort of crap because you are so mad and sad they kicked you :0)
dear god :DDD everytime same shit. not at all man :)) not even playing 6o6 anymore.
btw who the fuck are you? /!\
This user is tagged until eternity for cheating on a public server.
Its hard to find players nowadays ha :p

gl anyway!
avi pm me here
Gl guys, nice team
thanks m8, have fun in the USA! :)
what u gonna do at usa?
Just vacation :P
for how long, with who, and when? :D
gl zentic:P
gl m8 :)
gl smekht!
gl euphoria
jack , im avi !
field avi
#a2o.et wij zijn geïnteresseerd in jou!
vnv 8 uur red ik niet, morgen ken ik wel
interested in a guy that had 3 cb bans yet and only isn't cb-banned for 120 months (returning while banned) for one thing: luck, luck that the cb admins are unable to stick to their own policy
good luck guys
gl masuj dzika
gl masuj dzika
gl masuj dzika
gl dasuj mzika
there was a polish team with tag mD, so you might wanna change your tag to not get confused :P
we have no name yet. mD was just an idea and it would be only the shorthandle of the name
Why the namechange ?
Because MySports decided to split up the ways
sup whit mys?
gl masuj dzika
aD angelDust
nD northernDarkness
mD ???
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