need sponsor

Dear User,

since Team-Zodiacx is dead.
we are in need of a Sponsor or Maybe a Multigamingclan.

We :
Around med skilled
CB Ladder/ next oc
allways friendly ;D

What we need is a game server + Voice server

Lineup: Germany mAurice(c), GermanyDaenji, GermanyPreZ, GermanySPEEDJI, GermanyButzi,Germanypredi

Contact via Crossfire
nice flags
edit: gl
GL guys
gl mates nice and stable lu !
dear user
1 mAus and 3 butchji in one team :O
gl guys stable team so hope u find what ur looking for :-)
gl jungs ;)
/q mamouth @ #dMrp.eSports
gL kevin mate :)
good luck lads! really nice guys and are better than med skill tbh! Deserve a good multi-gaming clan, really stable team <333

Dno why u dont ask Fortis for full support, being a famous rapper an all! :DD fragt mal da nach die suchen immer gute teams.
asking myself why would a mgo support any ET team below med+/high :D
Asking myself why would a retarded busted low- shithead come here with his useless opinions :D
just coz it's an MGC doesn't mean they deserve the best teams :~>
halt einfach die fresse du bengel
u mad? ah, jesus... I forgot I got some true gansta rappa here :S
Genau ich mach auch so dick ein auf Gangster Rapper ;) Aber ist schon Ok von so Hirnamputierten schluchtenscheißer wie dir kann man nix anderes erwarten, geh blasen
i don't understand why et will be supported from any Kind of Organisation. there aren't that much cash tournaments which is important for the serious organisations...
i read that "next evolution" will be reopened maybe they wanna pick u and ur Team up as their et squad xD
Kommt mal zu uns ins TS

MFG Gladi
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