jointheforce recruiting

join now!, all gamers who have found the force.

islooking for active and skilled teams and players who can show a lot of their strength with us.

Are you:
* active
* tolerant
* skilled

Are you willing to contribute your part to make jointheforce a stable and friendly community?.

We offer:

Webspace, teamspeak, gameservers, freedom for teams, support online (lansupport in consultation)

Once a year we organize our own lan-event (lanparty).
Here are all gamers welcome out of our region to enter the competitions and basicly have fun.

At this moment we are looking for:
an active en tollerant enmey territory team which will make it to the top.

add: xfire waxweazle13 or contact us at
dunno why but somehow all your cod4 ex teams come to me asking me for a spot for them in DreaM (and they are shit tbh)
all of our teams ? we had several thats true, somehow they split up or can't get along.
In the last 5 years we had some teams on cod4, offcourse they get older or quit gaming.
Now its time for new recruutment and fresh meat ;)

thnx for picking up out old members there must be a reason why they left us as you have nothiched on their skills ;)

Thnx for the reply... we are still searching.. but not for cod4 tbh
We have 2 stable teams for 1 and 2 years now..
hello, want to talk to you about an ET Team. I added u @ x-fire.

Please accept (my users name: eronneke)
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