SimonKinsler avi for LAN

image: adretm

No luck yet so my second forum topic, hopefully I find a team this time.

About me:[/u]
  • Age: 18
  • skill: med- but I personally believe that I have a lot of room for improvement
  • ex teams:Controlled gaming, just because my lads aren't going to LAN
  • clean: Never cheated
  • languages: Dutch and English, prefer English
  • Class: Engi SMG, objective minded medic. I am willing to learn anything except rifle
  • New school
  • I'm not shy so you can expect comments and hopefully laughs.
  • I play for the objective not my k/d ratio,damage, etc.
  • Unreliable schedule but I can probably plan things out.

About you:[/u]
  • Nice guys, in for a laugh but rather serious when playing
  • Going to LAN
  • Would be great if I can get into a med skilled team, I know that I can't ask for too much due to my own skill.

Contact information:
SimonKinsler @Quakenet #crossfire
Or pm me here on crossfire,a comment would probably work as well
He forgot to mention I'm his LAN manager. Please contact me with offers.
you dont want him to go?
Does he do children's parties?
gl simon!! :D
white nigga :D
Stop hatting :|
gl m8 :_)
You missed out
o Sounds Finnish
you mean
  • Sounds Finnish

:D miss u bbz :) ;$$ :-V xo
gl simon :)
Hey friend I havent seen u for a while I thought u were kidnapped by ninja turtles :S
they tried, but did not succeed !!
GL B O double S !
gl my friend <3
naiz gay, guy I mean
gl Mr.Kinsler
simon deserve a nice spot ;D
make a crossfire admin team!
Good luck Simon
Good luck mate!
annie is right : do a admins team over there :)

have fun
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