need sponsor

We are in need of a clan or a server sponsor, well after we found basicly 2 guys which are willing to be backup for the next events, we are in need of a server sponsor.

What we want is a stable organisation, a gaming server 13 slots + a teamspeak server.
Thats all, and we will play the upcoming competitions CB/OC & BFB2!

Well we had to fix our teamplay etc but we working hard on it these days, its going alot better from day to day.

And our goal is to stick together for a long time and to create some decent teamplay,
our team basicly has a nice friendship and we have alot to lough every day.

Also if we dont make it into th EC this Saison we will stay together and play OpenCup Premier and the bfb stuff, the idea to create the team came from me & criatura because we knows each other since 2005 and we visit 2 lans together.

~ We are also hang around if we are not playing.
(Watching soccer or still loughing allways)

get a life maybe?
and engrish teacher, yes
My god, I don't get why you just don't let them do whatever they want. Jesus...
next time just write me a pm
then I can change it from german to english :(
now I can write everything again but i am to lazy :DD
well i can't imagine how mature and adult ppl can sit in home and play a game every night. I just don't want to live in a nerds world, i bet they don't even know their neighbours...
If you think you will stop gaming when you reach a certain age then you are mistaken.
well playing games and looking for long friendship in internet like hummel said is strange, shouldnt he take care of a family'n'kids(if he had them, but its hard since it is impossible to make kids through internet) or his future or something way more important at this age?

At least here in poland most of ppl are focusing on really important things at 26/27 instead of playing games, or looking for long friendships in internet
That has nothing to do with nationality. Either you are a gamer and like playing games or not. That doesn't change most of the time when you grow older you still game. And having a kid/family doesn't change that - your life doesn't turn 180 degrees just when you meet a woman/man and have a kid. That might be for a while the case but not for eternity. I am talking out of experience, this is not just some bullshit talk.

But of course feel free to believe whatever you like
Cant see any problem?
Me krest and stownage also chilling sometimes togather
doing some crazy stuff etc.
So whats wrong if ure fine, or good friends with some game and chill out with them in real life?
Polish sense is non sense
absolutely nothing wrong with that!
you're still a geek
cant be more a geek as you
ye, but you should still attend those english lessons
ok but if "im looking for a long friendship in internet" doesn't sounds nerdy for you then you must be nerdy too, lol......
Well as far as i know is that hummel fireball criatura and co been all rl friends before they started with rtcw and stuff ...
and when u rly think that u search for a good friendship in a gaming scene that ure way more stupid than i've thought
lol... i would better leave this without a comment

afaik fizz,hummel,criatura,violy,draqii and hunta
kevji anstatt i.wen von den, denke mal fizz oder hunta
jep stimmt

lu now: fuzz,hummel,criatura,draqii,violy and the famous rifle kevji :DD
gl humM3L
ty mate , you too with your aussies :D
10 post a month about the same team... :<
gl hummel :)
gl hummel & cria
why u didn't created as a squad of pmcg they have everything what u need. u must Kind of dumb.
why can't you just stfu, nobody needs your opinion about stuff like this.. u must Kind of dumb.
stop talking to me, it's better to Talk with a wall than with you.
u must Kind of dumb.
what is this soccer you're talking about?
maybe he means Football and soccer is the American Word for the european Football.
sorry, I only know the word football
np but it's Hummel so i have to say more? ^^
hummel more post's :D rly :D

gl lad!
go back RtCW!
gl humM3L ;)
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