RazZaH avi OC/Lan

image: iihqj3ky

just heard that i got kicked out of enhanced because some guys decided that its better to play without me :p (im not mad carlosm8 ;) )

so if you are in need of a brained eng smg (or multiclass), who is able to sneak around strong defences and capture flags etc and you dont give a fuck about giving dmg then feel free to pm me ;)

#follow.et but i prefer PM here on CF

image: 2dnsxyk4

shoutout to robaciek (irony huh? :D)
gl RazZaH, great guy :)
best of luck RazZah!
you bring any girls 2 lan?
gl RazZah! :>
Wow.. that's a pretty chick!
gl bro :)
RazZaH !!! gl m8
expected random chick volume #
but was just newspost for clan :(

gl kebabman
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