Portugeezer - mAv

still looking for a team to play with in the upcoming ec/oc as ive only had offers to be backup for certain teams.

im better as a fops but not too fused about playing any other smg classes
never cheated
ill be active about 3 nights a week
most importantly im a nice lad!

be stable
somewhat active and skilled
dont be retarded
be up for a laugh but be motivated when needs be!

leave me a msg on here as i wont be on irc today, thank you.

image: 16617562

Soldier at your service!
gl fakehomo
gl mate!
Talk with bltzz about mainlu :-D
#epic.et for oc prem, cu tomorrow night if interested
awesome lad with shit mic, gl
only when i dont have push to talk on roman!
sure that, gl mate
gl r kid
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