TZAC issue

Soooo the aweasome prob!

When I run tzac and start the game ... sometimes , just sometimes I got this spike and its rly a weird 1( and im sure its not from the connection) and my game just freezes for like 3 secs then continues..sometimes even more..I reisntallled windows ... changed the nvidia thingy (Threaded optimization) .. I run tzac as administrator.. but today ... its all the time .. on every 5 sec I got 5 sec freezes ... and an epic "empty" spot on the lagometer ...

Thats ss from the lagometer

mmm if u have any idea how to fix this

Xfire: independent7647

email: [email protected]

Or ofc msg here ;d
Very Helpfull ;d
check firewall or virusscanner
Firewall is off and I don't have anti virus
that's the reason!
guess your ISP
As I said in the topic Im sure its not my ISP
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