psiquh repost

blabla i just need a team to play with...since public and mixes are getting kinda boring

What i am looking for ?

- active 6v6 team
- stable med/+
- prefer a Germany speaking team but a Europe is also ok
- good teamspirit :-)
- experience
- tactics

What i can offer ?

- good on comms, no whining
- medic
- decent aim
- experience
- brain
- high motivation
- lanproofed

U should play 2 or 3 times a week!

If u are interested, u can contact me here or /Qry pSiquh in irc.

ex clans in profile
psiquh the multi accounter, ban this guy
This user is tagged until 9 Feb 13 for cheating on a public server.
Click here to view details.
good luck
werent u busted
gl mate :P
gl psajqu :D
gl ex cheater
gl sascha <3
sry digga wegen wochenende....aber hatten nen todesfall in der familie....
- stable med/+
GL nice player
gl pSi :)

nice guy :)
gl machoman ^^
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