bozar & alekz need 3rd

ME and Alekz from uk need a skilled player for 3v3. It would be nice if u were highskilled, but med+ nice guy with a good teamplay and fluent english is also ok.

We often play with seareal, Scope and hayzay...

For the fans I uploaded last game of me, Scope and Alekz to show u what teamplay im talking about :)

And also a screenshot from last game with hayzay :)

PS: I might be avi for a 6v6 team if you are really nice and funny. :)
stay between retards please
die pathetic egoboy
wy is there so much hate in polish ppl? :)
sorry but i dont understand the first word.
Why - dlaczego in polish according to google
Lol nice pic 61 acc ftw :)
true story mate, i got a demo :)

at the beginning i had 70 acc after 10 kills :)
Let me guess without watching photo.

Braundorf and vs low
Nah, i was kidding, it actually was med/+ wanna se a demo?
last time i remember u got rolled by me , znArk and Rizla in braundorf at 2:58 , so what are u tryin to prove ? :D
I was playing with him,i think that we won useless cunt ;)
vs low, np
check the demo ;)

3v3 high 6k dmg in 10 mins ;)
Probably one of the best aim-based players in et. but needs to work on a bit of teamplay, I remember playing a mix with Deryn and she and a few others were complaining about your lack of interest of objective. I'm not hating bozar. just try to play more for objective (even if the enemy is annoying) and you will be amazing overall player
yes bozar pls, do objective in random late night mix wars and focus about thegame stay serius all the time! remember this is not a game! ITS ALL ABOUT THE OBJECTIVE. STOP LAUGHING PLAY SERIOUS!!!!
roger that!
sry bro, but 61 is a general average acc... i had 63 on smg :)
But on the other hand map was b4, easier to hit people. Like Delivery: ;)
its a public :)

but its nice anyway... it would be even nicer if u did it when i played with u ;)
444/666 :| looks a bit shopped :D
Actually its not shopped :p Tried to get 66.6 acc with 666 shots, but ET rounded it to 66.7 :x #et-finland can proove this lol.
ye man, but i did it in a regular war vs some medskilled guys when i was playing seriously :P
92 acc syringe :x
soz bro but not impressive at all, against low skilled players who probably don't even know what is strafing and i'm completely sure that u were saving ur accuracy like all these newschool noobs who think they are good at aiming coz they get their 50 acc on public.
Oh u got jelly, I can sooo smell it :DDDDDDDDD

+ it was 6on6, med/- enemy, NP4ME.

Speaking about public, its over 70acc there.

Newschool cheater just got served. Heh.
nothing to be jelly of, i got beast aim and besides that these guys are not even close to med, only robinson is a little decent of these guys. low+ max and so are you. oh also playing ET since it came out, come at me newschool dog.
lol only rob is decent? yeah nice one naming the one guy who's a cheating cunt out of the legit ones you so call "low+" skill
actually said so coz i only heard of robinson
So skilled on public
Sorry to tell you but your mom is public.
ye, ye you had 61.4 acc because you played versus low+ or less. Bozar can do it on higher level.
Need high 3rd? Your fucking funny you ex cheater, I remember your poor English voice on ventrilo. It was a relief to hear your voice. Never laughed so many times about your stupid.

Always that mad/poor polish voice haha great times (Merc avi times) was that. You was just shit, you dont have even teamplay. Because you cheated on your own server with wallhack and you never want to play on someone other server haah.
says the ex cheater xdddd
speaking about english, your text has some mistakes too..
looking at it now, i really think he typed that with a grammar book on his other hand. Usually its much much worse
first of all i have no idea who ur and second of all my english is definately better than yours
->The only map you can play is braundorf
->your braundorf gaming doesnt make you high
->you are not good as you think
and every spawn he rushes box room and camp there with 30/90 ammo
Best player on ET and still hasn't won anything, seems little bit strange to me :OO
he is highskill
Nothing Strange here. He has just played with shit players who bring him down :<
Horrible player, worse than Testi.
this!!! eventho its hard :D
Who the fuck is alekz from the UK?
he is originally from poland... he is very good actually :)

we easily fullheld those spanish med+/high guys on a flag... check the demo, nice team work there
even i have hit that kind of acc on braundorf
Quoteif u were highskilled, but med+ nice guy with a good teamplay

need someone to carry you???

you aren't even close to med+, no tp at all, no gamesens, going for izi frags,...

eventho you would be a good dmg whore at a 6on6 clan (if they are able to handle your ego and whine)

also lets try to play another map than b4 + gr (those are the only twoo you can play "decently", wat is decent nowadays???)
you're the biggest faggot after seareal
gl PolandAlekz/Olas. Good aimer with nice polish.
I smell hate in the air
welcome to crossfire want me to show you around?
Would get the same feeling of a safari I suppose
its everywhere in a nowadays world, not only in the air mate :(
Funny guy play with :D Gl
oops, sry mate, i forgot to mention u in the topic :)
See Bozar post, notice two screenshots, don't have to click them to guess which map.
GL Bozar :P maybe avi if you give me some more infos ;]
well, if u were online on irc sometimes :)
hehe =] Ok but I also have rl life :D to talk with me I need to have date and hour when some one need me :P
Always amusing. :)
thats what the game is here for, isnt it? :)
tbh im much better at radar or bremen than b4... i just like the map, i like to play face to face instead of camping... im even better at supply axis than b4 axis, coz i can camp in some shit positions and outaim the enemy from long range, but i hate to play like that...

i even like dying in a fair fight, it forces me to improve... but when someone is just permanently camping behind a rock and waiting untill i come so someone else can backrape me, its just boring
you are camping behind every corner/rock/...

only waiting for izi headshot!

and i never seen you playing serious (eventho you got rolled many times... even on b4)
u rly have some serious issues... following me everywhere, replying to my comments, chasing me on ts servers and shouting from excitement when u find me
Quotefollowing me everywhere, replying to my comments, chasing me on ts servers and shouting from excitement when u find me

WTF are you talking about??? i never followed you everywhere, this is almost the first time i'm replying to you (you did the same), i never chased you on ts servers and i'm not excited to find you...

lets get a new point :)
fucking stalkers
I played with him only some random mix at 2a.m....

But it was fun,good Aimer (high? don't think so).. About TP i can't talk,it was only mix for fun...

Best player in ET? Never won anything :/
i have always appreciated sb, arrogance is him food, gl hf!

ps. loled hard at ur youtube comments on ur own videos! :)
You play often with the name Tom? I think i played some random 3v3 with u and some other czech guy, awesome aim and seemed like a nice guy to me, therefore gl!
QuoteWe often play with seareal, Scope and hayzay...

:D :D :D
Unlucky that I'm not med+/high, I would love to play with one of the best ETplayers ever :[
I like the 3v3 screenshot from you playing with hayzay, because the match before that one u got rolled on your own map in 2 minuts and you egoquited :DDDDD
i dunno who ur, but the match before we were playing on some absolutely shit server and it made me focus to aim very well to be sure its really a shit server... so i was pretty well warmed :)
the fact that u only play braundorf and then forces other to play allies or leave on any other map shows how anoying you can be. Wouldnt be surprised if you cant find anyone to play with.
1) i play any map
2) i never start allies at supply coz almost everyone leaves after playing axis only at supply... there is no other map i start axis only

stop lying, its not polite
you just admitted that there was thruth in my statement. In the next sentence you call me a liar. Get your act togheter, please..
u said i force the enemy to start allies on any other map than b4... and it was a lie, i force the enemy to start allies only at supply
i remember you raging about frosbite 2 years ago..
well either u have incredible memory or ur obsessed with me coz it was 2 years ago, cmon man :)

i dont remember that
good player, but needs to know more about teamplay

gl :)
thx, but first of all, we r looking for third, so it does not make sense what a lot of people say here...

second of all, ur not accurate bro... im an amazing teamplayer... when i want to be :)

sometimes i just play for fun and spawnkill the enemy instead of covering the tank, thats true. but is it such a big deal? usually games like that r easily won anyway :)
for some people it might be a big deal if you rush and be rambo all the time, even if they are low-

ppl prefer teamplay
i know but lets be absolutely honest here... no ego or anything, but wy would i revive a low- guy when i am supposed to shoot? :)

and about reviving, i always revive, i just dont always go to the places i should go when i dont feel like it ;)
ye just only revive when its possible :p
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