Format C

Yo computer geekz!

Since I can't find any help on the interwebz and I'm kinda pissed off + United States of AmericaYMCA`Marcus is too lazy to help me.

Here's my problem :

I have a windows key licence and a bootable DVD. HOWEVER, my dvd doesnt wanna load. So, I thought I'd make a new bootable dvd with windows but I can't find any tutorials to do so like wtf???

Great links will be rewarded with :
image: sm00001-17x24-Miranda_Kerr

Thanks in advance,

you could try making a bootable usb drive :), microsoft made a tool for iso to bootable usb drives/ dvd burns
that's more hassle than it's worth, for me it was at least, dvd shit easier :p
it also works to burn dvds
anyway, i thought francis had problems with the dvd drive itself
Can be a bootable dvd/usb I dont care I got both. Do you have a link for vista 34bits? :s
34 doesnt exist ;)
dont have a link for 32 bits

there probably is something there online
look for legal windows vista iso
also, see what thomm said
ya mixed up with 64 :D
thx anywayz
And pls god, I hope you are just being funny with the vista part
indeed, who the fuck uses vista :D
My pc is like 5 yo and I bought it with vista. Even if XP is supposed to be more stable I have no problem with using vista since I mostly use it for games rest of the time I'm on ubuntu. Could get win7 but I'm not into hacking stuff + dont give a shit since vista is enough for me :)
the fact vista uses alot more from cpu and everything, if your computer is that old you would be better off with w7
I totally agree but I guess I'll get another pc with win7 when I have some moneyz
delete system32
if you have the iso file it should be normally recognised by bios if it is bootable.

what kind of dvd did you use?
-r provided with pc
go for R+ DVD

was my trick to install my lovely win7 64bit
Not really, that depends if you have dvd player higher in your boot priority.
I have my SSD as first boot device so the pc will never boot from dvd rom unless i use my boot menu, or change the boot priority.

Also the bios doesn't detect an iso file. It just starts the dvd player and the dvd player is than like, yea this cd/dvd is bootable lets boot...
I assumed,he knew what a BIOS is and how to enter it and I assumed he knew how to burn a dvd-image to a dvd without just copying the iso file.
Never assume anything with people you are trying to help. Most people dont even know what the bios is.
thats the lesson i learnt from this yes :)

Greatest site ever! Seriously, you will love it, no need to browse & search & shit.
ROFL stealing linux things on WIN....
open source multi platform software brah
If Format C doesnt work, just do Format D
I gave you methods...
Did you really boot from your dvd drive?
Perhaps your boot priority is wrong.
I was given a blank dvd where I was supposed to burn windows recovery. However something went wrong since my pc loads the dvd BUT stops @ grey screen GREAT SUCCESS :s
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