Phazori avi

Since I got a new computer (had to play on my laptop with small screen before) I also got my motivation and time back to play.

Im somehow skilled (had a bit of an inactvity-phase but should be removed if I play actively again), reliable, serious and experienced (somehow, I know, playing since 2005 but still low, haha.) + up for jokes too.

Ex-clans can be found in profile, I can handle all classes, would prefer to play rifle or a mix betweend 2nd engr, fieldops and medic (and maybe covert for some times or if we had 2 rifles so I could swap the rifle sometimes.)

Contact via crossfire (pm) or on mIRC sometimes @
Gud lack und so wa ;)
gl mate!!!
gl bene <3
you have much skilled people in your buddylist, you must be quite an awesome chap and brilliant player being friends with all them :)
Good luck bro!
A very nice guy who deserves a great team! Unfortunately I have a team otherwise I would create something with you!!!

best of luck mate <3
no homo shizzle dizzle like mental but still gl noobiger noob noob noob D:
ololoolololo du homo
Gl dicker
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