FPS Issue with new PC

Hey guys!

So I just built a new pc and I can't seem to get steady fps. Any other game cod4/brink/CSS I get really high fps but cant keep anything steady in ET. I understand ET runs on one core but I shouldnt be spiking like I do in ET. My system specs are below, I've tried multiple cfgs and default as well but still can't keep anything steady. Please give some feedback if you can.

Just to give you an idea I go any wheres from 15 to 125fps.

6 core AMD 3.2
16 gigs of ram
2gb 6950 ATI card
WINDOWS 7 64 bit
real gF* ??
Try limiting ET to one core through the task manager.
It's always on one core, it will never go to multiple cores out of itself.
Ah, whoops. I thought I remembered something about manually limiting ET to one core being helpful making the rounds a few years ago. Thanks for setting me straight. :)
shitty advice
Hey guys!

So I just built a new pc and I can't seem to get steady fps. Any other game cod4/brink/CSS I get really high fps but cant keep anything steady in ET. I understand ET runs on one core but I shouldnt be spiking like I do in ET. My system specs are below, I've tried multiple cfgs and default as well but still can't keep anything steady. Please give some feedback if you can.

Just to give you an idea I go any wheres from 15 to 125fps.

6 core AMD 3.2
16 gigs of ram
2gb 6950 ATI card
WINDOWS 7 64 bit
Thats the issue, its always limited to one core. If I force it to 6 cores it forces back to 1 within a minute or so.
The problem is simple. ATI. It's not that the card is slow but ATI has always had problems with OpenGL games with its drivers, meaning that some versions work and some wont. Try getting the old .dll versions and putting them to the ET directory as those will be loaded and used by the system as the gfx drivers. This worked for me when i had to update my drivers to play Brink which in turn lowered ET fps to 60.
to make it clear, i don't think he is gpu limited!

i'd say its cpu problem.

since ET is only using 1 core and those new AMD cpu are slower than older one (if we are taking only one core and not thinking about 6/8 core)

so you should definitely go for ETUL or pbprior (didn't try it myself tho) and active all core for ET!
They will only stay active for 1 round (Every new warmup it changes back to 1 core, and when the match really starts you could assign it to 6 cores in task manager aswell)(Did that alot myself earlier when my dual core PC was doing shit with ET)
are you talking about ETUL???

i used it myself back in years and it was working correctly :)
Oh, I tried the pbrior and alot of other programs, never heard about this ETUL program =( Was doing it manually at the start of every round =(
link to ETUL please :<
google.be -> ETUL by anias
Danke :), finally found a working dload link :; d

Tbh this shit had no effect on me

Got almost playable fps bouncing between 70&125 by fucking up nvidia settings a bit more : D
thx same here no effect :/
Nvidia graphic card ?
no ati shit xd
Oh :/ Try disabling Vsync , trible buffering &Threaded optimiztion anyways.
Also multi display/mixed gpu acceleration shit to single display performance mode.
got my fps to bounce between 70-125 by doing that, still not perfect, but playable if compared to the 15-40 that i had : D
same shit here fps drops like hell ^^
You need way shittier pc to get good fps on ET
one core @ 4Ghz = 125 fps stable
too good pc for ET :D
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